Chapter 7: The meeting

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Brizzle sends me an urgent meeting in the middle of breakfast, this urgent is a disaster for late wakers like me. I still feel sleepy and you're telling me its urgent, I might as well stuff my hot coco down your throat.  I showed up, dropped liam off in his class room and head to the ladies......ladies?! Toilet door to meet Vanessa and mason. I ignore the male snot at the edge and take us to brizzle.

"Brizzle why are you doing this to me, I should have woken up 8am!" I say rubbing my eyes.

"You still feel sleepy?"

"With all do respect mason, mind your own business!" I bark at him yawning. Vanessa closes my mouth.

"So sorry but..... you have to leave this world"

I burst Into laughter, I think I took too much coffee last night. Oh wait he's not joking.

"So where should we go? Into space to fight the moon..HA" I snort out feeling drowsy till I finally drop to the ground everything went blurry then dark.

"Can someone turn the sun on its....its.....getting..dark...."

Somewhere in the clouds I do not know!

"Is breakfast ready yet!" I yawn mumbling the words through my subconscious state, i hear someone laughing then I realized in dangling over a shoulder. I started to shake hoping the person would let me go then I realized it was mason.

"Hey calm down girl easy" he says out of laughter.

"I said get me down!" He drops me, as I stand my feet sinking into the ground, I walk away and turn to Vanessa who is giggling.

"Where are we, it looks like we're on a cloud"

"No silly, we're in Satsmitten village but in a different level" I scan everywhere, it's is like a magical wonderland, flowers on the walls, peach clouds, its like Dorothy and the wizard of oz. But with no flying monkeys that is, maybe it's not worth throat stuffing after all!

We Reach a really large gate with roses on them, and lovely patterns designed on it. Mason walks to the gate and rings a bell, its reminded me that I still have dizzy spells and I'm still drowsy. Areally short man, the height of baseball bat pokes his head out of a slit, I try not to laugh. He opens the gate and signals me and Vanessa to come in and i reluctantly walk in after Vanessa, from wonderland to insidious 7 endless i tell you this is castle is all a mirage on the out side until we walk into a fog and realise that the beautiful sunshine is actually horror at the background, but mason doesn't seem to be surprised I bet he has been here before.

"You've been here before isn't it.......I sound like I'm drunk!"

"Ha..In caffeine!" Vanessa holds me again around my waist to support my weight, Damn I've never drank this much in my life!


Mason walks to woman sitting on a throne she looks really young, oh who I'm I kidding, she's 40! I figured it out when she was talking about her husband, making me all squishy and eek! It made me squirm a little.

"So tell me, what are you kids doing here?"

"Brizzle sent us t-"

A burp escapes my mouth.

"Hmm sorry" I giggle interrupting Vanessa's sentence

"Brizzle said we should tell you and his agreement"she froze as she heard agreement i giggled again mason is eyeing me in a 'are you freaking serious right now' kinda look making me cringe inwards.

Shit I think I'm gonna be sick....oh no!

I run out into the hall I thank my crazy stars that there was a toilet nearby I rushed in slamming the door behind me before finally letting it all out, the door creaks open revealing mason coming to hold my hair back, I reluctantly allowed him.

"You okay?"


Mason pulls my hair back patting my back, holding my hair back as I release the last section of digested coffee...eww!?

"Now you alright?"

"Yeah why did you care?" I give him a questionable stare.

"I just asked to see if you are okay"

"Well I'm fine you can go now" he stands up staring at the floor and slams the door angrily on his way out.

What's up with him?


"Hey...linsy please wait. I need to talk to you " what does he want now! He has been trying to talk to me for like three days now since the coffee incident and seriously speaking, he has been trying to get in touch in any way he can, from texts to friends even teachers! He even went to the extent of telling my mom! I'm just trying to forget about him now he is torturing me! HELP!

" What do you want?" I yell at him looking down at my phone he grabs my hand and pulls me through the woods to our sea spot I shrug my arm away from his grip but he didn't budge, he released my hand once we got closer to the edge of the cliff not to far from it.

"Why didn't you just tell me you wanted to talk to me privately!" I spit the words out like fire as it showed clearly on him that it shocked him the way I yelled.

"Why are you doing this to me linsy?" He stared into my eyes like he was searching for something in my soul.

"Doing what? what did I do? what am I doing? I haven't done anything wrong." I need him to answer those three questions for me I'm just giving him a taste of his own medicine....duh!

"You're ignoring me, just please tell me what i did wrong"

"You did nothing, okay now let me be" I say trying my best not to recall the incident that made me this cranky so I won't tear up.

"I saw you" I shot him a confused look, he looked towards the sea.

"What I did to Stephanie at the hall way last week, that's what you are mad about isn't it?" I stare at the ground for a while trying to push back the tears that flooded my eyes.

"Linsy, it's not what you think I swear I didn't do it on purpose."

"Then why did you do it, why does it have to be her you chose, what pu-"

"IT WAS A DARE OK! I had to do it, Jayson said he'd hurt you if I didn't do it.....I'm sorry" I began to tear up, it felt like a bomb, Jayson and Stephanie are the two worthless people i know, I've known Stephanie since fourth grade she was really, really mean and bullies me around all the time. That continued till ninth grade which I am presently, and Jayson is her cousin both with the same attitude which mason didn't notice and it pissed me off at times.

"Y - you shouldn't have!" I run away before he could see the tears flow down my face like a waterfall.

"Linsy, linsy please wait linsy pl-" he yells after me but I was to far ahead of him but before he could stop me i was already gone.

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