Chapter 22: I'm her possession

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" we have a problem" uh not again!?

"What's wrong " I ask trying to steady my breath.

" Do you know anyone related to or you know saphiral yourself?" He says looking straight into my scar which is looking terrible at the moment, that question...well I do know saphiral and I know Mason, maybe I'll say both.

" Well I know someone and I know saphiral herself, why'd you ask?" The man looked at me and murmured something that sounded like ' shit! '

Wow! Old man know 'shit? '

I laughed at that thought.

" Linsy listen to me carefully, Mason needs you he cares, he knows why saphiral is always trying to hurt you, and he's the reason saphiral hasn't killed you yet "

" I don't get it, how...what..uh!?"

" Listen, you've seen him drown and just once, saphiral tried to kill him to get an easy access to kill you but she threatened him that if he didn't say you should leave him alone to drown, she won't release his sister, mother and father, but his sister got thrown out that very day...

I have a lot of questions...

" ..and what about Madison..?"

" Madison...I need you to grab something flame like on her neck, it's her tracker, she's still after you."

" Why does she want to kill me?"

" I can't tell but there's one thing I know, she's wants to be the queen but no one wants her to so she has to use the blood of someone she hates so much but someone loves the most..and you're in between, and she's been using the people's money for idiotic and stupid things like buying unnecessary jewelry and has also caused a lot of marriage problems."

What an idiotic,undescribable specie from stupid land

What kind of heartless, b***h is that?

My life is at stake!

" So saphiral is the reason I'm here, she wants me dead, but.. but..." I exclaims as my heart quickens in pace and dizziness takes over my mind. I stand up from my crossed legged position and find my way yo the door, I'm gonna faint.


I walk through the door and everyone just stops and stares, everyone seemed into the mood for some Gossip except for Mason and Madison, Mason has worry and concern etched on his face and Madison is....Madison, she doesn't look like she cares, I scan her face for a while then it hit me..

The tracker..

I walk towards them trying to look as weak as possible, and as close as possible to Madison, I was met by Sara's exciting and intimidating eyes, but I turned to Madison.

  I'm about to do something stupid, but I hope it's gonna be worth it.

I grab Madison's arm twisting it as hard as I can, she yelps in pain before throwing a flip to undo the twist and kicking me in the stomach but I didn't fall just moved a bit backwards and just vanished.


The hair on my neck rose and an arm from behind comes squeezing my neck, Sara tries to help but is thrown back by the flames that Madison threw around us. I grab her arm and pierce my fingers into them, pulling them with along with my fingers, she screams and let's go, I grab her arm and flip her forward, slamming her onto the ground.

I hope she's unconscious.

She lied down, eyes wandering to North and South, I chuckle and pull out the tracker, damn she is hard to beat up! I throw the track into the flames, teleport out of the fire, and with Madison of course. I crash down on the concrete floor trying to find my breath and stop my dizziness, all this revelation is tiring. Sara, thunder and Vanessa hover me, Sara pulled me up and me almost tripping on my self and held her hair mistakenly to get me balanced, she slaps my hand and pouts.

" Sorry." I managed to say. Vanessa pulls me onto Thunder's back and puts my head on her laps.

I snuggle In to her marshmallow thighs and the heaviness in my eye lids are felt and slowly pulling me into darkness, and soon I'm pulled into a beautiful, calming sleep.

___________________( $ ∆ $)

"I thought I told you to stay away from her but you didn't listen did you, after trying to kill her you still went ahead and tried to stop you have a cut streaming out what you need to live  I warned you " saphiral says circling Mason slowly, spinning a slightly blood coated knife around her index finger as she glared down at the cut made on Mason's thigh as he hung from a chain wrapping his wrist,

' The staff she holds possesses more power than the owner itself '

  Those words keep replaying in my head, a sting spread across my cheek, I look up to see saphiral glaring at me with an evil grin plastered on her face, I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying, what will I gain from the useless crap anyways!

" You didn't answer my question! Who are you and what do you want? My affairs revolves around you for no reason and I want to know why you're here!?"

" You don't know how stupid you sound right now do you? you think it's that easy to get the whole world to follow you, worship you, treat you like you are the queen of giving out free packs of Krispy Kreme doughnuts well good luck with that! well I'll answer your question,..I'm hear to stop you and maybe then kill you. Period." Another sting flashes across my face before noticing the cold metallic taste that seeped out a molar and out of my mouth.

"We'll know you know that's not possible...

She moved closer to my ear, her warm breath sends irritating shivers down my spine.

"...cause I'm killing you first" as soon as she said this words, the metal  went into my arm that's dangling from the chains she hung me unto, I let out a blood curdling scream as she pulled the knife back out

" knives "..... Wait....WHAT!

" AH! " I jump off Vanessa thigh sweating and looking pale, I knew I was pale, my face felt cold, Madison walked up to me and lay the back of her hand on my forehead.

" Your burning up " she complains bringing me a cup of water, a gladly took it and gulped it down my dry throat, and unfortunately the water got hooked making me cough. Vanessa patted my back while Sara was smiling at me.

" What's with the knives, the first you were humming and you suddenly blurted out knives?" Sara complained kneeling in front of me and resting her hand on my shoulder. What was I supposed to say know?

Why's life so messed up! 7 billion in the whole wide world and she choose me..

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