Chapter 13 : Mrs nudgy pants!

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We all settle down for Mr Hurley, my sports master, Mr Hurley Is testing our speed and balance today is the day we girls play basketball!

"Woohoo ! " My bestie Sara hoots from the back bench, everyone stares at her amused, she chuckles and stops instantly when Mr Hurley gave her a serious glare, damn he's savage! Sara leans in to whisper something to me.

"Looks like someone trying to hold in a fart"

I bite my lower lips trying to stop myself from bursting into laughter.

" Today girls, you're gonna show the boys that they aren't the only one who can nail basketball!"


"You are gonna show the boys that you aren't made to be followed around by boys who are desperate to touch you!"..what!

"YEAH!" The girls yelling makes my ear ring, I turn to the boys at the other side of the bench smirking at the girls sudden burst of confidence.

Let me go simmer some glitter on how Sara came into my life, Sara and I have been friends since fifth grade, same age, same fears, but different universe, she is from Satsmitten village, she doesn't need to be scared in the woods by a freakish bear, she's born with powers, lucky nutmeg!

   Mr Hurley calls out 7 seven girls, me and mrs nudgy pants Lacie, and her two minions Kelly and Regina. The back benchers, Asia and Chloe and the innocent Sapphire, all are in my class actually but some I don't really talk to. Mr Hurley starts to state down the rules, I try to pay wrapped attention, but Sara grabs my attention, rubbing her bandana on her butt and shaking it around on the top bench, I fold in my lips trying to contain my laughter, a giggle escapes my lips but it was a little bit silent for Mr Hurley to hear and if he did I'm fresh steak.

"What was that linsy? Seems someone's joking in class isn't she." Uh fudgeballs! She heard!


"Don't try to pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about"

Mr Hurley gives both of us a confused look before I carried on.

"I giggled so what!?"

"You were playing in class dummy!"

"No I wasn't" this nudgy little piece of shitty muffin is getting on my nerves, trying to get me Into trouble all the time since when we knew each other, well we met on the streets when she bumped into me and spilled coffee on my smiley shirt and hissed at me for not watching where I was going and even accused me of stealing her precious lip gloss when it was in her purse probably texting on her Galaxy S7 EDGE all the while she's been ranting to the whole school about how good of a thief I am! It hurt bad!

"No I wasn't" this nudgy little piece of shitty muffin is getting on my nerves, trying to get me Into trouble all the time since when we knew each other, well we met on the streets when she bumped into me and spilled coffee on my smiley shirt and ...

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"Linsy tell me the truth, were you playing in class?" His voice came out thinker than usual.

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