" The " Truth " Hurts Like A Bitch "

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Jon's POV

I woke up and yawned. I stretched my arms out and blinked my eyes a bit. I noticed that something was hugging me. I looked and saw Bryan sleeping. My face immediately went red. What the hell- Did we do anything!?- oh wait we have our clothes on..phew..I thought we..did something. I slowly got up, Not wanting to wake bryan up. I looked around and noticed that I was in the hotel. I hear knocking on the door. I quickly covered Bryan with the blanket and ran to the computer, Acting like I've been on the computer. " Come in. " I said. I hear the door open. " Hey Jon! Is Bryan okay? I heard that he was..acting weird. " Happy Frog said. I fake yawned. " Hm..well he have been acting weird..He's doing fine though. " I said. " Oh and also! Helpy wanted to know if you could help her in the Repair room. " Happy frog said. " Tell her I'll be there in a bit. " I said while waving my hand, Telling happy frog to shoo. She closed the door. I then heard her footsteps getting farther and farther away from the door. Good. I looked at Bryan. I got up and sat next to his peaceful sleeping body. I kissed his forehead. " Hope you're having a sweet dream Bryan. " I said. I got up and left the room.

Bryan's POV

I-I..- I can't believe he kissed my forehead..I.. I giggled to myself a bit. I daydreamed about Jon..Oh how sweet and handsome he is.. I then hear something ruffling around the room. I slowly got up. hm.. " Is anyone there? " I said. I then saw Molten come out of no where. I screamed in fear. " O-Oh! It's..it's you. " I said slowly while scratching the back of my neck. He looked at me weirdly. " Are you still scared of me? " He said slowly while moving my hair out of my face. I slowly backed away. " Of course not..It's just..Memories. " I said while looking away from him. He shook his head slowly. " I don't believe you Bryan..You're a horrible liar. " He said. I sighed. " I know, But it is partly that.. " I said. " Well, I can't get you to tell me. " He said while shrugging. He then jumped up and disappeared. I sighed with relief. I walked to the door and opened it. I then feel the wind brush on my body. It felt..awfully weird. I looked around. I sighed, Thinking that it's just the wind. I walked to the stairs and walked down. Shadow Freddy then appeared in front of me. My eyes widened. I then got knocked out.

30 minutes later

I woke up in the portal room. I rubbed my head in pain. I noticed Shadow freddy on the computer that controls the Portal. What's he gonna do..? I thought to myself. I looked back at the exit. Maybe I could sneak away. I looked back at him and noticed that he was focused on the computer. Good. I slowly crawled to the door. Hoping that he wouldn't notice or hear me. I then felt something grab my leg. I looked back and saw Shadow Bonnie. My eyes widened in fear. The room turned black. I was in a red chair, Tied up. Circus baby then appeared. " Baby! Oh thank God...please help..! " I said, Hoping she could help me. " You're such a disgusting man. " Baby said. My eyes widened.. What..? " You really thought that we were friends? " Baby said. Then Rockstar Bonnie appeared. " God damn it Bryan..Why can't you just be a normal CEO and actually do your damn job?! " Bonnie said in rage. Lefty appeared. " Bryan..Why are you like this? Why can't you just be like Derpy? or maybe..someone completely different from who you are now? That would help...a lot. " Lefty said. Molten appeared. " What a fucking mistake of a CEO..How did YOU get that title? You don't even do your job! We do it for you! " Molten said, almost hitting me. I flinched. Helpy appeared. " I'm just using you for your money, Simple as that. I only act like your friend just because you have money. " Helpy said while smirking. Rockstar Freddy then appeared next to me. I looked at him, scared of what he would say. He looked away from me and sighed. He then shut down. " Please deposit five coins. " Freddy said. Tears begin to form in my eyes..I remember when he..acted dead..

Then Jon appeared

" You really thought I liked you? That we were friends? Or if we even had something? You're nothing to me. You're not special, and you'll never be enough. "

Tears begin to fall..It ran down my cheek like a rollercoaster. A rollercoaster that nobody would want to be on..I felt so empty..so numb..The room then became the portal room. I then felt something grab my hair tight. I looked up and saw Shadow Freddy. I gasped. I then felt like I couldn't breath. I felt so much in pain. " You seem to be sad..What's wrong Bryan? Does the truth hurt? " He said while chuckling. My eyes widened. " T-That...was..The truth..? " I said. His grip on my hair then went tighter. " yes..it was! the truth really does hurt like a bitch.. " He said while pulling my hair. I screamed in pain. He covered my mouth. " Shh..all the pain would be over soon Bryan.. " He said slowly. " I..- I just want it all to end..all the pain..all the suffering..all the lies..all the fucking mistakes. " I said while crying in pain. " Then go in the portal..The portal helps all your pain..helps all of your mistakes..It will help you Bryan! Nobody will think that you are a mistake or even not enough. " He said while releasing me. I looked at him slowly. " Y-You really mean that..? " I said. He smiled. " Of course Bryan. Who would want to lie to you? " He said while holding my face and made me smile. Shadow Bonnie was behind Shadow Freddy. Shadow freddy looked at Shadow Bonnie. " What do you need Bonnie..? " He said while letting me go. " People are coming, we have to go. " Shadow Bonnie said. Shadow freddy sighed angrily. " Fine, we'll finish this later then? " He said. Shadow Bonnie nodded. Shadow freddy smiled in glee. They then disappeared. I was in pain. I then laid down on the cold hard floor. I felt like I was in a prison.. I then hear people banging on the door. I guess the door was blocked or locked. I shivered, I was cold and I was in pain.. I then burst into cries of pain. I hear people screaming right after. Some saying " Who's in there..? " or.. " hello?! Is everything okay in there?! hold on we're coming in!! " I then hear the door bust down. I then hear footsteps come close to me. I shivered in fear. " B..Bryan..? " Helpy said. I looked at her. " G-Get away from me you...you.... " I tried to say. " Bryan are you okay? " Lefty said while helping me up. " Don't touch me!! " I said while kicking him away. " Ow ow!! Ok ok! Sorry..! " He said while backing off. " Bryan what the hell! What happened?! " Rockstar Freddy said. I looked at him and started to cry even more. He looked at me, confused, worried and afraid for me. " Guys move out of the way, He won't shove me away.. Bryan..? Are you okay buddy..? " Jon said while sitting down in front of me. I looked at him and imagined him saying those words again. I cried even more, The skin under my eyes becoming red and my jacket becoming wet from all the tears. " I-I'm so sorry..! " I said, stuttering some parts. He looked at me, confused. " Sorry for what..? " He said while bringing me in for a hug. I had my head resting on his chest. I looked up at him and looked away. I stayed silent for a few minutes and then I said...

" I'm sorry...I'm..I'm s-so..so..sorry..That I'm..That I'm not good enough... "

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