" The Missing "

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Jon was shaking, He knew exactly who was missing yet..He's too scared to tell anyone..Especially Molten. He sighed and calmed down. He watched as Molten and R.Freddy took note of who's here and who's not. He felt someone tug on him. He looked down and saw Helpy, crying a bit.

"Are you..-are you okay?" Jon asked. She sighed and looked down. "Nobody is okay, Just knowing that people keep missing is..unbearable." Helpy said. "I know..Maybe Molten will look for them after checking for who's missing." Jon says. Helpy nodded and walked away.
Molten took note of who's there, He noticed that he hasn't seen the twisteds or lefty. He got nervous..hopefully Lefty is just..- busy..?Maybe they're somewhere around the park. He looked at R.Freddy "Everyone is here besides...L-Lefty and the Twisteds." He said. R.Freddy sighed. "Fuck..We might have to get some more people to look around the park." R.Freddy says. Molten looked at everyone.

"Alright everyone. We're gonna need some of you to look around the park for us, The current people who are missing are Twisted Bonnie, Twisted Foxy, Twisted Chica, Bryan, Springtrap, and L-Lefty..." Molten says. R.Freddy and Molten began to choose people to go to certain areas in the park.
Shadow Freddy sat in the portal room, upset and..angry. He looked at the portal and sighed. He looked away and growled. He then heard a loud buzzing sound. He turned around and saw the portal change. His eyes widened. He then felt like he was getting sucked in. He started yelling for help.

He then got pulled into the portal. He then hit something hard. He squeaked in pain. He whimpered. He looked at the metal door that kept him in the dark room. He got up and looked at the portal. He walked over to it. The portal then closed. His eyes widened. He started shaking. He walked to the door and banged on the door. Scared and helpless.

He cried, screaming for help.
"Huh..? Springtrap?! What are you doing here?" Twisted Bonnie says. Springtrap stood up "What are YOU doing here." Springtrap says. "W-Well I accidentally fell into the portal while I was looking for something. I didn't know it was on and everyone was asleep or far away so nobody could hear me." T.B says. "What about you?" T.B asks. "Me and Bryan woke up here. We don't really know how--" Springtrap got interrupted by screaming. Twisted Bonnie recognizes that screaming. "That sounds like one of the..."
The man sighed and put on gloves. "Poor poor little bear." He says. He giggled. He heard knocking. He opened the door. "What do you want." He said. The woman walked in. "Don't talk to me like that. you're lucky that boss even let you in with us." She said.

"Whatever, besides, if it wasn't for me you guys wouldn't have had those idiots." He says. She rolled her eyes under her bunny mask. "Why'd you get this one?" She asked. "This one means a lot to a certain someone. In fact. We can easily break this someone just by threatening this one." He says. "Oh?~ Perfect!" She says, smiling under her mask.
After hours of looking. It was confirmed that the twisteds and lefty was missing. "G-Guys..?" Shadow bonnie says, walking up to everyone. Still crying. "Uh- Yes? Are- Are you okay?" Jon asked. "I-I can't find Shadow F-F..Freddy..." Shadow Bonnie says.

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