" Davis returns, but with who..? "

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Author note: nothing today besides merry early Christmas and I hope you guys are doing great :)
Twisted Bonnie was running towards the screaming. Springtrap right behind while carrying the small brown haired human. "Can you fucking complete your sentence?? who the hell is it?" Springtrap whisper yelled. Twisted Bonnie turned to Spring, he sighed and stopped, making the other bunny stop as well. "It sounded like one of the shadows. I don't know which but I think it's Freddy." Twisted said.

"Are you sure? It could be a trap.." Spring mumbled a bit. Twisted nodded. "I don't think it could be a trap but we should take guard, we don't know what could happen." Twisted sighed. Spring agreed. Right as they were about to continue on the brown haired boy began to wake up. "Bryan?" Spring said, looking down into his arms.

"m..mmm.." Bryan mumbled, his eyes fluttering open. "Spring..trap?" he said, looking at the bunny. "Wh..SPRINGTRAP?" he said, jumping out of the bunny's arms. "Yes it's me. What other bunny looks like they're about to break into a million pieces." Springtrap said. Bryan sighed, "God- didn't know I was gonna wake up to something as ugly as you" he said, joking around. Spring gasped, obviously offended.

"You're lucky I didn't leave you to just die! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even be here. You'd be lost." he said. Twisted looked between them, confused as ever but shrugged it off. "Hi Bryan" he said simply. Bryan turned and jumped, noticing the other bunny. "GoD! What's up with you bunnies always jumping me!" Bryan said.

Twisted laughed, "Sorry Bryan. Anyways let's catch you up on everything..so when you were passed out, me and spring over here heard screaming which I think might be Shadow Freddy." Twisted explained to Bryan. Bryan nodded, "Well we must go and help him, he might have gotten attacked in this..weird base." Bryan said, unsure of what to call it.

"Alright, that settles it. We're gonna go to the noise. Though we all have to be careful if we want to come out alive in one piece." Spring said. Deciding to already start going to the direction of where they last heard the screaming. Twisted and Bryan looked at each other and giggled a bit and began to follow the bunny.
Jon was frantically walking back and forth around his room, he was trying to figure out where the missing animatronics and bryan could be..and Davis. He stopped in the middle of his room and sighed. Right as he was about to walk out, the door broke open and there stood Davis. Jon's eyes widened at the sight. "D-Davis..?" he said, a sudden smile coming across his face.

"Who else?" Davis said, obviously smiling but of course nobody would be able to tell since he had no face. Jon ran up to him, immediately embracing him in his arms. "I can't believe it! I-I thought you were gone forever..!" He said, his grip on Davis becoming tighter. "Well I'm here now.." Davis said. Jon looked at Davis, "But..how did you get here..? Where were you? Why were you gone for so lo-" Jon was interrupted by Davis beginning to speak. "I managed to escape them. I don't know who they were but I escaped. I didn't know where I was but it was indeed a base of some sort."

Jon looked down, "oh..did you come with anyone else..?" he said, wanting to know if a certain someone came back with him. "Well this sweet girl did." Davis said, looking behind himself. The girl then came out from behind Davis. She had brown long hair and rainbow tips at the end of her hair and bangs. She had red glowing eyes and a black hoodie. She seemed to have been holding a weird mask but Jon didn't question it. "Hello! I'm-" "I know who you are, Davis told me." She said, interrupting Jon.

Jon was a bit angered by that but rubbed it off. "I see, well who are you?" he asked, the girl looked over to Davis and then back to Jon. "I'm Bryan's girlfriend, Vee." she smirked. Jon's eyes widened. "Bryan's..girlfriend..?" he said, beginning to fidget with his fingers. She nodded. "Yup! After being stuck there for so long we had grown a strong bond..though we lost each other and that was when I came across Davis. He helped me." 'Vee' said. Jon shook his head in disbelief. "But- Bryan's gay..?" he said, questioning himself a bit when he said that.

"Oh? he said he was straight..hm, maybe he's bisexual..Ah it doesn't matter." she said, having this huge smile on her face. Gave Jon shivers. "Right..why did you guys leave him?" he asked. Davis looked at 'Vee'. "Well like I said, I lost him and I came across Davis so he helped me." she said. Jon nodded slowly, his heart hurting a bit. "Oh well..do you know where you guys were?" he asked. 'Vee' shook her head. Jon looked down, a bit disappointed. "Right..well, do you want me to show you aro-" "I got it Jon! Besides, you seem stressed." Davis said, grabbing onto Jon's hand.

Jon gasped a bit by the sudden move but smiled softly. "Right, thank you Davis. Introduce her to everyone else for me, ok?" Jon said, kissing Davis on the cheek. Davis' cheeks becoming a bit red. Davis nodded and walked out with 'Vee' following right after. Jon took a closer look at the mask while she was walking away and his eyes widened. It was a bunny mask. He closed the door out of shock.

"what the.."

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