" Vanny "

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???'s POV

That idiot..Thinking that maybe just maybe they'll be normal again. They'll forever be our little slaves. I then hear the alarm ringing. Someone must've came in- Or HE needs us.. I run to where HE is. " Sir! Did you need us? " Shadow Bonnie said- The shadows must've got here before me..The twisteds are on the other side. " Yes, I do need you guys..I decided that we should do a small raid!.. You know, Just hurt some of the animatronics..Maybe even destroy the place a little.. Bring him with you. You guys got that? " Glitchtrap says. We all nodded and bowed. " Oh, and..Vanny. You are taking care of..him..during the raid, Okay? Make sure nobody sees him..If we really need to, We'll use him. " I smiled in excitement, " Of course sir. Whatever pleases you!.. " I giggled. He then dismissed us. I skipped to our little slave. I knock on the door. " come in.. " he said. I opened the door. " Bryan!! Oh my my my...It's so nice to see you again! I see you're working on your figure again? " I said. He nodded. " Well! We're going to have a small raid and it's my duty to make sure nobody sees you! and if anything goes wrong you must help us. " I said. His eyes widened. " A raid? " He said. " Oh yeah! It's at that...place.. And we're going destroy is a little bit and maybe even hurt the animatronics!! " I said.

Bryan's POV

w-what...We can't be raiding that place...What the actual..ugh.." Can we hurt them just a small bit? We have to let them know that we can torture them easily. " I said, smiling. She thought for a second. " maybeee " She said. thank god.. " Anyways- " I got cut off by a speaker coming on. " Hello everyone, I wanted to say that the raid will be hosted in a week! Until then, Get ready for the raid, train, maybe even start to actually do shit around here! Glitch out. " the speaker then turned off. " Aww..in a week? ~sighhh~ well..Keep on training Bryan! Also, When it's time, Wear a long black hoodie, And cover yourself so nobody could see you clearly! Wear a mask as well. " Vanny said. I nodded. She then walked out of my room and closed the door. " I wonder what's out there..It's been forever since I've seen the sun..the clouds..even rain.. Maybe it's for the best, They didn't really like me anyways.. Vanny treats me nice..for the shadows..they're..random.. At my side then the next trying to slit my throat.. The twisteds don't give a fuck about me, Nor do they care about what I do..anymore.. " I sighed and went to sit down on my bed. I looked at my fake window. " They seriously just put a poster on it- To make it look like there's a sun or clouds in this place. " I said.  I ripped it off and destroyed the poster. The poster had a sun that was smiling..I flipped it upside down and put it back on the window. I looked at the door and notice someone coming in. " Hey Bryan- " Shadow Bonnie said. He walked to me and sat down on the bed. Shadow freddy then came in and sat next to bonnie. " How's everything going? " Bonnie said. " Fine. " I said. " Well..We heard that Neddbear and CB escaped! " Freddy said. A smile grew on my face- I then realized that I shouldn't smile..we're probably gonna get them back anyways.. My smile then faded away. " Why'd you stop smiling..? " Bonnie said. " What's the point in smiling, I have nobody to smile for, I lost him and now he probably thinks I'm dead..or worse..left him for absolute no reason.. " I said..Almost tearing up, Luckily I didn't, I was trained not to smile or cry. I then felt something on my shoulder. " I bet he's thinking about you right now, Wondering where you are..and why you suddenly disappeared. We're sorry for being assholes.. " Shadow Bonnie said. I looked at them, " Sorry doesn't bring back my happiness or bring him to me..but Considering the situation..Bring ME to him.. Sorry doesn't help the fact that I'm probably gonna stay here for all eternity! Even my dead corpse would be in here! Because I know..nobody would bother to make me have a proper funeral.. " I said in anger and sadness. " Bryan..We will try our absolute best to bring you guys together again- Even if it means our lives. It's our fault we brought you in this..we're gonna bring you right out. " Bonnie said. I looked at him, Confused.. He then pointed up. I look up and see a vent- How did I miss that!?! " That leads to the portal room- or well...our portal room..There's other areas in there so we'll guide you. " Shadow freddy said. I smiled and hugged them both. " Thank you so much...I'm so happy that we're so close to escaping.. " I said. They looked at each other. " We can't come with you Bryan.. " Shadow Bonnie said. My eyes widened. " What..?!..what do you mean you can't come with me..? We can all escape together and grow our friendship! Maybe you guys can fit in with all the other animatronics!! " I said- Not trying to loose hope. " We're shadows Bryan..We work for glitchtrap..if he notice we're gone he'll be devastated. " Shadow freddy said. " If you want we can try coming with you.. " Shadow bonnie said. I sighed and nodded. " Alright..Lets go then, shall we? " Shadow bonnie then floated up to the vent and break it open. He then helped me and Freddy up. We're finally gonna escape...

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