" I can't leave him... "

374 11 14

Author Note: very lazy sorry-- this was made in a rush

The Shadows then sighed, " So..why did you guys call us exactly? " Shadow Bonnie said. The bunny crossed his arms. " Molten wants to hang out! " Bryan exclaimed, giggling a little by the fact that Molten wants to hangout. " Why must I be here?.. " Shadow Freddy let out, looking tired. " Well- You're Bryan's friends..! and i thought that it'd be nice to get to you know you all " Lefty said, trying to make them feel welcomed.

" That's-- very nice of you I guess " Shadow freddy said and finally agreed to Hangout.
" What shall we do? There's not really much we can do,well for us animatronics.. " Molten said. Bryan began to think, trying to figure out whether or not he should..he then shook his head. " We should just talk.. maybe say some stuff about ourselves? " Bryan suggested. Springtrap didn't like the idea but just decided that he'd say very little of himself. The shadows thought for a second and figured that is the only option we have. " I think that's be great. " Lefty said, smiling. Molten agreed.

" Alrighty then, Who's going first? " Bryan asked. Everyone looks at springtrap. his eyes widened and immediately sighed as he realized what he just gotten himself into. " Well then, I'm Springtrap, A bunny with a corpse inside of it. I'm not much of a so called..lovable person. I could say I'm the most hated in this place. " Springtrap said, He then sat at the table that was next to us. " Uh..interesting. " Shadow bonnie said.

Bryan looked at Lefty. " Oh! it's my turn? " Lefty asked. Bryan nodded. " Alright then, I'm lefty. A bear that's left handed. I'm a pretty good guy once you get to know me, also I'm not much of a person to judge quickly. " lefty said and sat in front of springtrap who was resting his head on his palm. " I forgot that you were left handed heheh.. " Bryan let out. " I didn't even know you were left handed holy shit. " Shadow Bonnie said. " I kinda figured it out just by his name. " Shadow Freddy said.

" it's my turn you fucks. " Shadow Bonnie said. " Now, I'm Shadow Bonnie. Basically a shadow with bunny ears and tail. I have trust issues and anger issues. Might have small Anxiety attacks.. I'm a pretty fucked up person too. " Shadow bonnie said. " Wow holy shit, never knew you were a shadow. damn. " Springtrap said with obvious sarcasm in his voice. Bryan let out a small chuckle. " What a shocker. " Molten said. " Oh fuck off guys " Shadow Bonnie said.

Shadow Bonnie then sat next to Springtrap and waited for the next person. Bryan looked over at Molten, " Do you want me to go or..? " Bryan asked. " ..I can go. " Molten said. " Well... I'm Molten Freddy. I'm just a bunch of wires and a freddy head. I used to work for Springtrap here. I now work for Jon. I have trust issues and anger issues as well. I'm..sorry if I let out sudden burst of anger. " Molten said, Looking nervous the whole time. " Very nice buddy you did awesome! " Lefty said, a very light, soft, smile formed. Molten jolted a bit and laughed a little. " noice. " Shadow freddy said. Springtrap stayed silent and decided to just rest his head on the table.

" I guess it's my turn! " Bryan exclaimed. " yay go bryan " Shadow Freddy said. " I'm Bryan, A..uh- Human that's gay-.. I'm the CEO. I have anger issues, trust issues, and anxiety attacks. I love fairytales. " Bryan says. " wow that was lame " Springtrap said. " It was better than yours. " Shadow Bonnie said. " That was great Bryan! " Shadow Freddy said. " Thanks freddy. " Bryan said while smiling. He looked over to Lefty and Molten.

" Any ideas on what to do now? " Bryan asked. Molten shook his head. " What about.. Talk to some other people? I'm pretty sure someone has to be online.. " Lefty says. " Good idea! " Bryan says.


Jon looked at all the paperwork and sighed. He then hear footsteps. " Hello? " Jon says. Davis then walks in and sits on his desk. " Hey sweetie, How's everything? " Davis asked. Jon lets out a very small sigh. " Kinda tired. What about you baby? " Jon asks. " I'm doing.. swell .., Now, What are you doing? " Davis asks. " Just trying to finish this last bit of paperwork.. " Jon says. "

hm..ok. Wanna have a drink? " Davis says. " No thank you, We can have one later though. " Jon says straight. Davis bit his lip, a bit frustrated. " Whatever.. We should do something together like get some ice cream or cuddle. " Davis says. Jon looks up and finally makes eye contact with Davis. " We can later Davis I'm busy. " Jon says, getting a little pissed. Davis gets closer and decides that maybe teasing Jon a little will get him to finally say yes. " Oh c'mon honey! we need to spend more time with each other! " Davis said, getting impatient.

Davis then sat on Jon's laps and wrapped his arms around Jon's neck. Davis then gave Jon small kisses on the neck, teasing him. " you don't want to hurt me...do you? " Davis asks. Jon then looks down and sighed. " Ok..What do you wanna do Honey? " Jon asks. Davis thought to himself for a bit. " Why not some ice cream? Just us two?? " Davis suggests. Whatever to get you away.. Jon thought to himself. Jon then faked a smile, " Of course honey let's go. " Jon says. He then picked Davis up lightly and got up. Jon then put him down softly and held his hand. They both walked to ice cream shop. Once they were there they got Ice cream.

" Isn't this amazing? us..eating ice cream.. by ourselves? " Davis says. Jon nodded. They both licked their ice cream. After a few seconds they were finished. " Oh! Jon you have a bit of ice cream on your face silly~ " Davis says and licks off the ice cream playfully. Jon smiled a bit and let out a small giggle. " Heheh..thanks honey.. " Jon says. He's falling. Davis thought to himself. Davis then smiled and hugged Jon. " I'm glad that we're together Jon! If you'd ever leave me.. I don't know what I'd do..! " Davis says. Jon froze. I can't leave him..., He's my friend..or.. well..my boyfriend. I can't just..Break up and say I love his worst enemy! I need to get rid of these feelings for Bryan. Davis is my boyfriend and I can't let him go. God knows what he'll do once he finds out that me and bryan.. Jon then shook his head, Getting rid of all his thoughts and looked down at his boyfriend. " I'd never leave you baby.. " Jon says and kisses Davis.

Davis thought to himself

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