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"Well I better go see my apartment" I said standing up.

"I'll drive you" Tony offered.


"Take a left here" I instructed.

Tony looked around at the graffiti- covered appartement blocks.

"And we're here" We stopped outside a building that looked like one good sneeze would knock it over.

"Where did you find this appartement?"

"Craigslist. Maybe it's nicer on the inside"

It was not nicer on the inside.

"I'm pretty sure I just saw a rat" Tony said. We had to walk up 4 flights of stairs because the lift was broken.

"Maybe it's just your old eyes playing tricks on you"

I knocked on the door. There was a loud crash and muffled swearing from the other side. Eventually someone swung the door open. A distinct smell of weed trailed out the opened door.

"Hey can I help you?"

"Uh I'm Harley, your new roommate"

"Cool, I'm Michael, come on in"

Michael looked at Tony "whoa, you're Ironman aren't you?"

"Uh yeah"

"We don't have any weed, I swear Mr Ironman sir"

The rat scurried being our feet. "Algernon! Connor, Algernon's back!"

Tony looked around then turned to me "F*ck it you're going to live with me"

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