Why is phone is trying to kill itself?

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I huffed and put my phone down. Trust Tony to block me during my gay panic. Ned looked over Peter's shoulder and laughed at something on the screen.

"Do you losers want to come over and do homework tonight?" MJ said without putting her book down "Harley you can come as well if you want"

I smiled "Great! I've been set so much homework and I've only been here one day"

"Sounds good, though we should go to my apartment, May wants to meet Harley" Peter said.


"What did you get for number 23?" Ned asked.

"What up I'm Jared I'm 19 and I never fucking learnt how to read" I muttered under my breath.

Everyone laughed slightly.

We were doing homework at Peter's apartment. I met his Aunt May, who was really nice but the brownies she offered us were. . . less nice.

I heard my phone get a notification. I looked up and started reaching for it. Then it started going crazy, it was vibrating so much it was bouncing across the table. What the hell? It landed on the carpeted floor and continued to spew notifications.

We all stared at it.

"Harley, I think you're phone's possessed" Peter said worriedly.

My annoying ring tone played over and over again, I picked it up and tried to read the notifications but they were coming in to quickly.

I unlocked my phone and turned it on silent. Most of the notification seemed to be comings from Instagram.

I clicked on the app.

"Why am I getting so many new followers?" I asked no one I particular.

Peter, Ned and MJ pulled out their phones, trying to find the cause.

"I think this is it" MJ said, holding her phone up so I could see"

Oh shit.

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