Your Choice

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You and Dean finally decided to talk to your dad. You asked him to meet you at his favorite café, Patio's Café. You and Dean was sitting at the outside table waiting for your dad to show up, when Dean turned to face you and notice your looking worried.
"Nervous babe?" He asked knowing.
You looked down and scratched your head.
"Yeah.. kinda." You said with a sigh.
Dean smiled and peck your cheek.
"Don't worry no matter what we'll work it out." He smiled confidently.
"Your right, it's just hard to face him.. you know what he's like." You said with a little laugh.
"It's alright he's a big boy he can take care of his own action." He said pecking your nose.
Just then your dad walked in. Right when your dad saw you hugging Dean's arm and sitting closely to him he sigh.
"Alright what's all this your not trying to ask me if you can marry her are you?"
He said jokingly making you and Dean laugh.
But Dean didn't answer he just sat there fidgeting with his hands.
"Wait are you really doing that?" He asked.
"No I would if you let me date Y/N"
He smiled and looked at you.
"Boy you don't give up huh Dean."
Your dad asked Dean.
"You never give up when it comes to love. I know I've done some bad things in the past especially to women, but that's in the past I've changed and for the better." Dean said grabbing your hand and show your dad.
"I'm in love with this women. She cured my heart and I know I cured hers. Please let us be together." Dean said almost sounding like he was begging.
"Dad I know you said to choose either him or you and I love you both with my entire heart but you can't choose my love life. I choose to be with Dean and that's final."
Your dad took a sip of his coffee and asked,
"Why were you with Carmella Dean?"
"At the time I was broken and she was also broken she felt unwanted by the world after her breakup and I felt the same way and so I decided to be with her so I can try to get over Y/n but it didn't work at all."
Your dad smiled at both of you and said,
"Alright, Y/n I'll let you decide. Be with Dean or-"
"Dad please!"
You stopped him from finishing because you felt like he was going to ask the exact question.
"Or die alone."
Both you and Dean froze looking at each other.
You quickly got up to hug him and whispered  into his ear, "thank you."
As Dean, you, and your dad finished talking and eating you all started heading out.
"Ah Dean, can I speak to you for a minute?" Your dad ask him.
Dean first looked at you and you looked at your dad with an eyebrow raised.
"Relax I'm not going to make him break up with you babe." Your dad said signaling you to head to Dean's car first.
"Listen I'm willing to give you a chance with
Y/n and I'm also willing to give you a chance as well to prove how much you've changed.
Please don't break my girls heart alright."
Dean gave your dad a confused look,
"Are you kidding? Y/n is so precious to me I felt like if I'm not holding her she'll shatter into pieces. You can count on me."
Both Dean and your dad laughed and said their goodbyes.

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