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Kai's p.o.v

The clanking if metal and the sizzle of water greet me. Heating the Sword again, I hammer at the blade. Shaping it and molding it to the order that was asked.

Engraving the pattern as asked, I cool the metal and clean it. Sharpening the blade, grabbing the helt, I make the sword complete. A knock sounds, the buyer walks in. 

He looks it over and nods. "This is the best work I've seen. I'll pay double than what was asked." He hands a sack. I reach over, grasping a tanto. Handing it to the buyer, he looks it over. "This is perfect for my daughter. Thank you." He says.

"Thank you and come again." I say. "I most certainly will and spread the word I shall." He says, leaving. I smile, cover the forge and head inside.

Walking in, I'm grabbed from behind as Lloyd kisses me. He sets me down and I round on hem. "About gave me a heart attack." I say. Lloyd laughs as a weight lands on his back.

I laugh as Leo wraps his arms around Lloyd's neck. Going to the kitchen, Jacob jumps into my arms. Damian is pouring them some cereal in bowls.

Allison tugs my pants, I pick her up as well. Placing them in the in the boosters, Lloyd sets Leo down in his chair. Victoria climes in her's and we all eat.

Later, flying in the back yard, Leo and Damian join us. I hold Allie and Lloyd holds Jacob. Leo takes Victoria by the hands and she flaps her wings. We all are now in the sky.

Flying over the forest, Allison is below me. Lloyd is beside me, we fly high. I grab Leo as he passes and he squeals. We have fun, ending up at mom and dad's place. Uncle Ronin walks out, Jacob flies into his arms.

Damian flies around dad as mom comes out. She hugs us and we walk in. Sitting at the table, we eat the cookies mom made.

Staying for a while, we head to the Bounty, the ninja meet us seven. Father and Mama hug me and Lloyd. "Y'all just missed the ninja, they left to intercept Clouse from finding something." Uncle Wu says.

Jacob smiles, he flies around the mast. Damian keeps up with hem. "Boy's come down." I say. "Oh, but mommy." Jacob comes down. A strong gust of wind picks up and it gets his wings.

I fly and catch hem. "See, I told you." I say. Jacob giggles. "Sorry mommy. Can we still play on the deck." Jacob asked.

"Sure ya can deary." Mama says. We watch as they play, even joining in. The ninja return, the five tackle their aunt. At the dinner table, I make some parlow.

We talk for hours, the kids falling asleep. The tv goes off. "They're calling it the Crime Wave of the Century. Earlier today, Green Ninja Lloyd Garmadon was caught on tape robbing the city bank."

I wrip around as the video is seen. "And that's not all. At Mega Monster Amusement Park, Zane was on a rampage of vandalism and mayhem." I clinch my fist.

"The Ninja are at large. They are armed and dangerous. And they have legs. If you see them, do not approach. Call local law enforcement so that we can apprehend." The commissioner says.

Zane calls and Lloyd stops hem. I grab the kids, Lloyd kisses me and I get away.

Damian helps me pack the bags, Allison is huddled in fear. Thankfully I'm not widely known.

The radio crackles and my blood runs cold.

'Please note, the green ninja has a husband. Known as Kai Garmadon. Brother of the fire ninja Nya Smith. Kai will be anywhere near Lloyd Garmadon. That is all for now.'

I'm fucked.

I send the kids to mom and dad's and head out. I don't know where I'm going but I'll stay hidden to protect my family.

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