The Hands Of Time

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Kai's POV

I go to Wu and Father, wanting to ask something. He said he was going to the old Monastery. Flying overhead, I see my beloved master and Father-in-law.

Landing, the two look at me. Sitting in a lotus position, Wu pulls out a pocket watch. "Sensei, Father. I've been meaning to ask you for sometime about something." I say.

"What is on your mind, son." Father asks, looking to the sky. "One of two things. Both happened the day my parents were taken and was triggered on the day of the Departed." I begin.

"What are they." Wu asks. "When Mom and dad were taken, I saw who did it. It was Saunders. When I ran out, dad told me 'Eighteen years till Acronix returns.' Today is my birthday, its been Eighteen years since they were taken." I explain.

Both look at me as the sky distorts in a vortex. I take to the air as a man lands where I was sitting. "Right on time." Sensei says as he and father stand.

I freeze, that's Acronix. He turns to the two. Wu, Garmadon, You look...old. As if your best days have passed. Not unlike your monastery." He says.

Wu closes the pocket watch and puts it in his beard. "I still have plenty of days left." Acronix puts a hand behind his back. "Shall we finish what we started? I've been waiting decades."

"Really?" I see Acronix is hiding a dagger behind his back "It doesn't feel that long to me." He says, bring it out.

"This ends now." Father says.
The three move around the bush "You might as well give up, Wu and Garmadon, I'm the superior fighter. And the other masters ain't here to help." Acronix says.

Both Wu and Garmadon look at me, I dive, slamming into the back of Acronix's lefs, he falls back as I land before sensei and father.

Acronix gets up, looking at me. "Who are you." He snarls. "I'm Kai Smith Garmadon, son of Ray and Maya Smith. Son-in-law of Garmadon and Misako. I'm called the Silver Dragon cause I control the primary elements and the secondary." Water gathers in my hands.

"But, I was originally the master of water." I throw a ball of frozen water at Acronix. He rolls to dodge it, we three charge.

We immediately start fighting before Wu knocks Acronix near a support. Before he moves as Father was about to jab him and avoids another strike before climbing up to the roof and looks down.

Wu jumps up, but Acronix strikes his cane with his dagger, breaking a piece off as Wu lands back down. "Huh. More spry than I would expect. Let's see if you can keep up." Acronix says, I fly up "He won't have to, I will." I hiss at hem.

Wu climbs up to the roof and quickly blocks a strike from Acronix. Father goes behind, hitting Acronix farther on the old roof. Wu blocks Acronix's attack as they move at the main part of the roof before going through the rubble.

I hover above, hitting Acronix with lightning. Acronix growls at me as Wu jumps up. "Give it up, old man. I've got decades on you. I'm faster, stronger." Acronix says, swinging the dagger.

"That's your mistake. You assume your youth is a greater weapon than our experience." Father says, I grab his hand, lifting Father to the roof.

Acronix backs away and jumps up to where Wu is as they resume fighting before Wu moved to the side, making Acronix miss. Father slams a blackened beam against Acronix's head.

Acronix falls on his back, I land on a rotten broad. "Arrogant to the finish. Just like your brother." Father growls.

"Arrogant? No...confident!" Charges at Wu, but he tilts back and throws him over. I send a blast of wind, helping Acronix to the edge.

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