On a Wish and a Prayer

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Kai's p.o.v

A mop in hand and a bucket not far, I clean the deck of the Misfortune's Keep. I wrip my brow, sweat pouring off. Flintlocke comes around with a bucket of water and spoon for the crew. I watch as each take a drink.

Turning back, sinking the mop into the water, a throat clears. Looking, Flintlocke is there. He holds the spoon, I reach for it and greatfully drink. Pulling away, he gives me another.

With a nod, he walks away. A poof sounds as Nadakhan comes beside me.

Flintlocke comes back. " I've been biting my tongue, Captain. But when we attacked the city, I saw the girl Ninja. She looked like Dilara."

"Really? I hadn't noticed." Nadakhan said sarcastically.

"Stay away from my sister." I yell, Nadakhan back hands me with his hooked hand. It leaves a gash on my cheek marks.

"I believed that when I believe a pirate born to tell the truth. You should've told me. First you don't tell me your plan, now you keep this. We've sacrificed a lot to follow you, but trust is a wind that blows both ways." Flintlocke says as I hold the cut.

Without my water element, I can't heal even the smallest of cuts. I go to stand when Nadakhan slams a fist into my back.

Nadakhan chuckles as I slam into the deck. "Which is why I am showing you this." He flies their ship to New Djinjago.

"Oh! Look at that. We got their ship!" Clancee says. I rise up, Nadakhan once more slams a fist into my back. I cry out, coughing up a little blood. I'll be lucky to not have back damage after all this.

"That we do, Clancee. Heh. That we do. I know it doesn't look like much now, but this place will soon become Djinjago. With each Ninja my Djinn Blade consumes, the more power I'm beholden to resurrect my home world. This is what you sacrificed for. Not some girl. For a home. I cannot do this alone, Flintlocke. I need you. I need our crew. Together, we can make this place ours." Nadakhan says.

"And what about Ninjago." I ask, spitting up a little blood. Nadakhan grabs my collar. I see Zane's falcon and she stays afar.

Lloyd's p.o.v

"Falcon has found Nadakhan." Zane says. He projects the image and my blood boils. Nadakhan has Kai by the collar, holding hem up. The falcon is too far to pick words up but what happens next, my nails dig into my palm.

Nadakhan throws Kai, enough force to pick the ball and shackle and Kai slams into the wall. The ball crashes on Kai's leg and you don't have to hear to know it broke said leg.

Kai grabs his leg, rolling the ball off and cries more in pain. I turn away, I can't bear to see my beloved husband in pain. Zane cuts the feed.

"So, what now." Cole asks. "We continue. We have to get the venom. Kai would want that." I say, tears falling.

We head out, but get caught in a storm and ship wreaked. We also find out Jay still has one wish left.

Kai's p.o.v

Lemping heavily, I use the mop mostly as a crutch. My leg is badly broken, I can feel the bones grinding. Each step is agony. I turn and the mop slips, I crash hard.

Nadakhan poofs infront of me "You can wish for the bone to be minded....." "Shut the fuck up. I'm not wishing for anything. If I still had my element, I could heal my leg." I yell.

Nadakhan snaps his fingers and the shackle falls off. Gathering water from the air, I focus it around my leg. The water glows and I grint my teeth as the bone snaps together and fuses with little damage.

The water than moves to my back and it heals the damage there. Dispersing the water, I stand, expecting Nadakhan to replace the shackle.

He snaps his fingers and the covers on my wings fall off. I unfold them and take flight. A shock goes to my neck. I drop to the deck, the shocks stop. "Attempt to leave, and the shocks get worse." Nadakhan says. I look at hem, ears folding down and I hiss.

A hiss that turns into a whine as the shocks rake my body. They subside and the mop is thrown down before me. Standing, I pick it up and get to scrubbing the deck.

Around sun high, the mop slips and I hiss at the blisters. Grabbing some wraps, I wrap them around my hands and forearms. "Hey, Angel boy." Dogshank calls. I look as Nadakhan float beside her.

"Grab those ropes and pull the islands to the main." I look, and see the ropes. I flip Dogshank and Nadakhan off, grabbing the mop once more. The shocks go through my neck, I yelp and grasp the collar.

"Do it, now." Nadakhan orders, the shocks getting stronger. Taking to the air, I grab a rope and drag the chunk of land to the mainland. The whole while I do this the shocks are at pkay.

I finish, collapsing in pain. Nadakhan poofs beside me, grinning like a loon. "You can wish it all away." Nadakhan says. "Fuck....you." I gasp out. Nadakhan growls, grabbing me and throws me at the temple of airjitzu.

I slam into the wall, crying out in pain. Getting up, Nadakhan poofs and grabs me. He poofs to the Misfortunes keep, throwing me to the ground.

"Get to work. Now." Nadakhan orders. I grab the mop and start scrubbing the deck. I look up as a group comes around me. "Who's up for a game of Srap-and-tap." Nadakhan says.

Dogshank takes a swing at me, I dodge. Climbing up on a crate, I jump off and Dogshank grabs me. She slams me into another. I cry, clutching my shoulder as it pops. Getting up, gathering a ball of water, the collar fires to life.

Crying in pain, I drop to a knee. Dogshank raises a fist, I roll. Getting up, I charge and tackle Dogshank. Hitting her multiple times, I knock her out momentarily.

"And the newcomer wins." Nadakhan says. I get up, offering a hand. Dogshank takes it and I go back to mopping.

Nadakhan comes to me. "Your coming with us. The ninja are going for the venom." I sigh and reluctantly follow. We come to the area, I see Lloyd, Cole, and Nya.

Diving down, Lloyd greets me. I blast water at hem. *I'm sorry love, he's making me.* I say, sending another blast.

Lloyd retaliates, hitting hard. He strikes my shoulder, I cry in pain. Growling, I send hem rocketing back.

"I got it! I actually got it!." Jay says, running out the cave. Nadakhan looks at me, sending a small shock to the collar.

"Get the venom!." Nadakhan orders. I dive at Jay and chase hem. Grabbing the canteen, I switch it with mine. Lloyd kicks me and I skid beside Nya.

No one can see us so I give Nya the canteen. She gives me hers and I change the liquid. Flying out, Nya fires at me and singes my wings.

The four run to the bridge with the Widow behind. I follow close, the bridge breaks and Nadakhan grabs Jay. Nadakhan pours the canteen out and vanishes.

Nadakhan appears on a boat above us and I'm forced to go. Nadakhan holds Jay, Jay screams behind the ducktape.

I look once more at my beloved and head for Misfortunes keep. Landing, Jay is thrown in the brig.

I fly up to the hammock Dogshank made for me and curl up. Falling asleep, I smile at the plan Nadakhan knows nothing about.

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