The Hatching

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Shout out to my friend mariapham9090 who gave me the awesome name for the baby Kai is having.
Kai's POV

In the headquarters of Krux, I'm chained to a wall. In the day that's passed, the baby has grown. I now have a five month baby bump. I imagine I'll be having the little one by tomorrow.

Looking up as Krux walks over, he sets down a bowl. "Its not poisoned." He says, going back to the table. Grabbing the bowl, it's hot, its stew. Putting the bowl to my lips, I drink the juice. Humming at the taste, I eat more.

Finishing, another bowl is on the floor of the stew. I eat that as well, curling up and watching the brothers. Time passes as the brothers work. The baby flutters, kicking as I cup my belly.

"May I. I do have training." Krux says, kneeling beside me. I give hem a look, I don't trust hem, nither of the two but I do need a doctor. Nodding, Krux unhooks the chain, I stand as he leads me to a table.

Jumping up, Krux pulls out a device. I get the look of fear, Krux sees it. "Don't worry, this was used back in our time. It was eighty percent accurate in determining the gender of the baby." Krux says. I cock my head to the side.

"You may ask any question, except for freedom." Krux says, turning the dile and the screen turns on. "How's it work. And can I have access to my elements. My ankle got twisted and my element of water can heal any wound." I ask.

Krux looks at his brother "Hes telling the truth. I sidestepped and he tripped on a piece of wood. It creaked pretty loud when it happened." Acronix says, waving his hand.

"So that's why you didn't walk. I was wondering. Very well, but that's all you have it for." Krux says, removing the bracelet. Drawing water out the air, I touch my ankle and the water glows as it begins the healing process.

The bone grinds than snaps back into place. It fuses back together but the swelling is still there. "I'll fashion a brace. Now, lean back so I can do this." Krux says. I lean back against the tank on the table.

I connect my mind to Lloyd and he immediately responds. 'Love, where are you. You okay. They haven't hurt you have they.' Lloyd asks. I smile, shit, I just remembered, I talk outloud when I do this.

"Krux. Me and my husband have a mental link. I'm connected with hem....." Krux grabs my face, grip stronger than what it should be for an old man.

"If you revil anything of our plans, I'll kill the brat before its born." He snarls. I nod, fear gripping hard. "Good, now, you may talk while I do this." Krux says. I nod and turn to Lloyd.

'Love, love'. Lloyd says. "I'm here. I'm okay and so is the baby." I tell hem.

'Where are you.' Lloyd says. "I...I....." Krux gives me a look. "I can't say, or else the baby is killed." I tell Lloyd. I can feel Lloyd's frustration. Krux applies a gel on my belly and I gasps as its freezing cold. 'Love' " I'm fine....cold. That's cold Krux." I say.

" If its warm, the image won't be as clear." Krux takes a wand and looks around my womb. 'What happened.' Lloyd says. "Krux is using an old version of an ultrasound to check the little one and applied gel to my belly. Its freezing cold." I say.

'You can't give any hints.' He asks. I close my eyes and think. "You know, when I was younger, we had a visitor. His name was Saunders." Krux looks at me. "Yes, I remember you. You were an adventurous little bite." Krux says.

'Wait, the guy from the museum.' Lloyd asks. "Yeah. He was fun. Saunders would bring me and Nya treats, candy or toys." I smile as Krux smirks. "Found her." He says. I look as he turns the device, handing the monitor to me.

The baby is curled up inside me, hands curled at her face. But, where he has the wand shows the gender perfectly. "Its a girl. We have a girl." I say. 'Really, I'm sorry love, we have to go. Wait.......your only a month along. How'd he find the gender.' Lloyd says.

"I got hit with the time blade. Its accelerating the babies growth but only while inside of me." I say. Lloyd smiles but I feel his worry. ' careful, please love.' He says.

"I'll try." Lloyd cuts the connection as Krux pulls the device from my hands. I hop off the table, wrencing at my ankle. Limping to the corner, Krux hooks the chain back, he slips a makeshift brace over my leg and tightens it.

The two talk about something than Krux comes back, taking the chain and leads out through a tunnel. 'Guess they don't want me to escape.' I think as we head for the top. On the roof of a building, I open my wings and take to the air.

The chain is let go on the threat of hurting the little one. Flying around the building, I see Dareth fighting a vermillion. Looking to the twins, their not looking. Diving down to an alley, I land. Taking a deep breath, I relish the fresh air.

Hearing something, I look to see Zane pushing Cyrus Borg. I'm in the air, Zane nor Borg sees me. A blur, one that I see is Acronix, slams into Zane. Saunders steps by Zane, looks up at me and motions me to follow.

I reach to my wing, yanking three feathers off, I set them Zane and head after the twins.

Lloyd's POV

We make to where Zane is but only find hem on the ground knocked out. I go cold at the white/blue feathers on Zane. "Kai was here. They brought Kai with them." I say, holding the feathers.

Nya and Cole look at each other as Cole picks Zane up. We head home, hoping Kai is safe and sound.

Kai's p.o.v

Leaned on the wall of the room Krux works in, I arch in pain. The twins had walked out to do something and I've gone into labor. Leaning forward as a contraction hits, I grentmy teeth. Feeling a pop, water soaks the floor under me.

On the next contraction, I bear down, twisting to face the wall and put my hands on the wall. Rising on my knees, I push, yelling with the pain and my back bows. Tears breem my eyes as I push with the contractions.

One last push, I feel the baby slide out on the floor. Moving to the side, the little girl crying her eyes out. Wripping her clean with my coat, I wrap her in my shirt.

"Hey, Ashley. Ashley Yuuki Smith Garmadon. That's what I shall call you." I say. Laying on the floor, Ashley curls into my chest and starts to suckle.

I hold Ashley close, nuzzling her as she feeds. The twins come back as Ashley sleeps, Krux walking over. He kneels and looks the two of us over.

"She and you are doing wonderful." Krux says. "But, she'll be given to her father tomorrow." Krux says.

"But she needs me. She needs her mother." I say. Krux hums in thought. "Very well. But, betray me one time and she gets ripped from you." He says and I nod.

Holding Ashley to me, I curl on the pallet and fall asleep, Ashley follows me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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