Misfortune Rising

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The ninja are doing what they did in the show, all but Kai.

Kai's p.o.v

Sitting at my desk, I read the book on ancient history through the realms. And Nadakhan is definitely in it.

But, it doesn't say what happe....oh hello.

'Dilara was the fiancée of Nadakhan. They were scheduled to be wed but was stopped by Captain Soto. He imprisoned Nadakhan in a tea pot and hid it somewhere no one would find it.'

I bang my hands on the table. "I want to know what happens if a Djinn weds for fucks sake." I yell.

Going back to the shelves, I pull out the book on the realms and customs. Looking at Djinnjago, I read.

'If a Djinn prince marries on Djinn land, he will become all powerful and have infinite wishs. No longer would he be bound to the laws.' I say.

I read further down. 'If a Djinn is loose, do not under any circumstance say: I.." wish. Oh fuck."

A poof sounds and I look up. "I heard you. Now finish the wish." Nadakhan says. I close the book. Getting up, I replace it. "Actually, it doesn't count if I didn't say it. I read it." I counter.

Nadakhan looks at me, I have hem. He carries a sword, The Sword of Souls. "So, come to add my soul to the collection." I state, placing the other book back. Turning around, I see Nadakhan's shocked look.

Pulling out the sword book, I flip to the page. Holding it out, he reads it. "We'll than, your too smart for your own good. And I can't let you warn the ninja." He grabs me.

I buck, blasting Nadakhan in the face. I'm dropped, getting up, I touch one of the books as Nadakhan grabs me once more. Struggling, Nadakhan poofs and we end in a cove.

I'm tied between two posts, hands and feet spread to either one. I sreeck as my feathers are plucked and covers placed on them.

I pull and tug on the restraints, bending the masts. Nadakhan grabs me and this time I'm hug from a metal support beam as the ship takes flight.

Cussing Nadakhan in every language I know, he puts tape on my mouth. Struggling, I scream in anger, thrashing in the bounds.

Lloyd's p.o.v

"Kai. Love." I call as we walk into the house. Going to the study, it's trashed. A fight happened. Looking at everything, I go to the desk. Nothing is out of order.

Looking at the shelves, it's slight but..... Going to it, a book is pulled out slightly. The ninja watch as I pull it out. Black lines are on it, going to the pages.

Opening it, the front page has writing on it.

'Dilara was the fiancée of Nadakhan. They were scheduled to be wed but was stopped by Captain Soto. He imprisoned Nadakhan in a tea pot and hid it somewhere no one would find it.'

And below that.

'If a Djinn prince marries on Djinn land, he will become all powerful and have infinite wishs. No longer would he be bound to the laws.' Kai's handwriting is on these pages

Flipping the page, my blood runs cold.

"If your reading this, I couldn't fight Nadakhan off. But, I know the location of the tiger widow spider. Open the map on the back wall and I've marked it. Good luck ninja and be safe." Kai wrote.

Pulling the map down, I see the mark and grab a smaller map. Placing the same mark, we head out.

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