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Kai's p.o.v

When we get to Dareth's studio, I go to the food table and grab a water bottle. Chugging it down, Lloyd hands me another. I drink that one more slowly, sitting in a chair.

I listen as Dareth talks. "Uh, yeah, it is. In case no one told you, we got what we need to stop Nadakhan on the island. After we go up there to save Jay, we take care of business. Simple." Cole says, I shake my head.

"And when you fly your fancy Elemental Dragons up there, just how long do you think the three of you are gonna last against an entire crew of Sky Pirates?" Dareth says, sitting in another chair.

"Then we get all the help we need and hit them with brute force. The Commissioner said we'd have his department at our disposal." Nya says, I stand.

"Than say...goodbye to Jay. The minute Nadakhan sees us coming, he's dead." I say. "No, Jay has one more wish...." "And ya point, Lloyd." I say.

"My point is, Nadakhan won't kill Jay...." "He'll suck Jay into the sword of souls. I know. And I know first hand the pain Nadakhan can and will inflict." I say.

"The collar yeah..." I rip my coat and shirt off. "I was chained to a fucking mast for three fucking days. No one helped me, they all watched as I suffered as the chains burned me." I yell in Lloyd's face.

A sharp sting and me on the floor has me looking at Lloyd. My cheek is on fire, Lloyd has his hand raised. Cupping my cheek, it stings. "You...you....struck....me." I say.

Lloyd's eyes go wide. He reaches for me but I jerk, getting up and running out. Tears fall heavy, clouding my vision as I run blind. I run to the one place I know.

Mom rubs my back as dad is before me. I'm still crying, the mark a bruise now. Dad tapes a patch over it and wrips my eyes. He makes me look at hem.

"No marriage is perfect, okay. I've hit your mother and she me a couple of times. But, I know in your heart, you've already forgiven Lloyd. Am I wrong." I shake my head no.

"Than go back, they need your help and your the only one that truly knows what Nadakhan is up to." I hug dad and mom. Giving the kids hugs and kisses, I head back, Wyvern letting me ride her.

*It's good to have you back.* she says. I smile and nuzzle her freal. We come to Ninjago city, the civilians make way for Wyvern. I see the commissioner, he comes over. "The ninja have already up. But they might need you." He says.

Wyvern purrs and I take flight. Using light, I cloak myself. Coming to the Misfortunes keep, I silently land on the deck. "We captured all the ninja, now, it's only time til the captain gets his bride." I head for the brig.

Kneeling at the lock, I tap on the bars. Lloyd looks up, I flash into view briefly. Pulling a pin out my braid, said braid falling from its bun, I begin picking the lock.

I'm almost done when black oil is dumped on me. I turn, Dogshank grabs me, wraps chains around my arms and Flintlocke unlocks the cage. I'm thrown in, and I slam on the floor. Lloyd picks me up and due to the oil, I free my arms.

Lloyd hugs me, not caring I'm covered in oil. I kiss his cheek. "I forgive you." I tell hem. Lloyd smiles and nuzzles my neck.

I purr in content, it's short as the lock is opened and we're dragged out. We're led to a plank, a ball and shackle on me on. "The black one goes first." They push Cole on the plank. "I won't ask you again, Nya. Give me your hand, and they live. I remind you, below us is nothing but ocean. And just what does water do?" Nadakhan says. 

"Don't underestimate water. It can give life and rip it away." I say. All the pirate's laugh. "Vengestone cancels elemental abilities, you might be the master of water, but your useless." Nadakhan says.

The ninja look at me as I lower my head, tears fall. "Oh, is the master gonna cry. Go ahead, it won't help." Nadakhan said as water begins to gather around.

"I am not.....useless. I'm the master of water, husband of Lloyd Garmadon, mother of our babies. Brother, nephew, son, husband, mother." I say, the water picks up, beating the ship.

I lift my head, eyes white. "I'm not useless. I'm the master of water." I rise up, the water gathering around me. "I AM KAI SMITH GARMADON, THE SILVER DRAGON AND PROTECTOR OF NINJAGO." The water condenses, forming an armour. Gather some in my hand.

Forming a bow, I aim for Nadakhan. "And I'll fight to the death." I let the arrow fly.

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