WishMasters pt 2

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Lloyd's p.o.v

Kai let's the arrow fly and Nadakhan can't poof away in time. It hits and Nadakhan slams into the cabinet. Kai slams his fist into the shackle, it shatters and he runs. Nadakhan doesn't stand a chance.

Me and the guys begin to make our wishes. I make one after Nadakhan froze the floor. "How about this: I wish I was wise like Wu." "Love, your a fool." "Oh, clever boy." Kai and Nadakhan say together.

"Yeah, maybe we're overthinking this. Why hasn't anyone just said, "I wish us all out of here?" Cole says and the ship tilts. Kai grasps my hand, I smile at hem. He has a frown on his face.

"Lloyd, you shouldn't have made that wish." Kai tells me. I look at the ice "Ugh. I'm not just getting wiser. I'm getting older." I say and Kai flies to the top but is hit by Monkey Wretch. He falls, I grab the side of the ship,Kai cries out as I grasp his wing.

Dogshank grabs Kai, holding hem in a head lock. We all fall and Nya makes a wish. The clouds catch our fall. "Jay, protect my sister." Kai yells as Dogshank takes hem away.

"Jay, the wise thing to do is to save it. I see beyond the now You'll need it." I tell Jay.

"For when?" He asks me.

"For when it's said from the heart." I say. "Said from the heart? Hearts don't talk!" Jay questions.

I wish for a sword and pop the cloud. Jay and Nya fall, creating Hydro Electric Dragon.

Cole asks me why I'd did that

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Cole asks me why I'd did that. "No, I saved the last one: Jay's wish. We've made our three wishes, Nadakhan. You can't control us." I tell Nadakhan. Nadakhan forces Clancee to wish us away.

Me and Cole are sucked into the sword, I think of Kai.

Kai's p.o.v

I'm wrapped in thick chains, tied to the post. Nadakhan comes, I hear a dragging sound. A scream erupts from me as Nadakhan strikes my back. Nine lashes form, blood coming from them. "The cat-o-nine tails. Painful in torchor." I scream, tossing my head back as Nadakhan let's me have it.

After thirty-seven hits, my knees buckle and I fall. Nadakhan still let's me have it. He only stops when the count hits sixty. Nadakhan grabs my chin, I look at hem. "You are useless." He says, leaving.

I hang my head "I wish you'd shut the fuck up." I mutter. Sadly, he's out of ear shot.

My back is in shreds, my ribs can be seen in some areas. I close my eyes and am almost asleep when searing pain runs through my back.

Crying out, tossing my head back, Nadakhan dumps a bucket of salt on me. I thrash, screaming to get free and break away. Nadakhan grabs my collar "You can wish for it away...." "Fuck you." I spit in his face.

Nadakhan claws my cheek and leaves once more. I hang my head again as the sun sets.

'Please be safe Nya.'

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