The Way Back

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Kai's p.o.v

My body is on fire, but all I care about is Lloyd being beside me. Even if he's old and febble right now, I still love hem. Cole and Jay help me stand, I close my eyes and let the water gather around. It flows into the wounds, not completely healing them but enough.

Moving from Cole and Jay, I use my wings to hover. "We have to stop that wedding." Jay says. I stop them. "Wait! If you defeat Nadakhan, his power will diminish." I say.

Cole looks at me like I'm stupid. "Uh, yeah, that's kind of the point." Wu shakes his head. "Kai is all too right. If his power diminishes, Djinjago will fall. Ninjago will be crushed." He said.

"Ninja, you go stop Nadakhan. The rest of us will return back to Ninjago to prepare for the worst." I order. Everyone nods. "Oh, and if you see Wyvern, she's protecting the people as well." I call and we head for the temple.

On the way, I lag behind but Morro helps by using his wind. "Brother sharpens Brother." He says. I smile and we make it.

We fight our way and break the door down. "and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you all-powerful." Clancee says. Nadakhan laughs as he gains infinite wishs.

I send a ball of water to hem, freezing it and Nadakhan throws it right back at me. Jay runs up "I wish Nadakhan wasn't—" Nadakhan counters "I wish you wouldn't say that." Tape appears on Jay's mouth

I charge "I wish you were the way you once was." Nadakhan says, I fall, wings, tail, I return to the way I was. Lifting my top body up, I smirk. "I wish to be the way I was and for you not to harm me anymore." I say. I smirk cause Nadakhan has to grant it.

"Your wish is yours to keep." Nadakhan says and I return to my lovely angel form. "I wish for me and Lloyd to be restored to full health." I say.

"Your wish is yours to keep." My wounds heal and Lloyd returns to being young. "And lastly, I wish that you are unable to harm my family." Nadakhan smirks. "That would only include half the group...." "That's where your wrong. My family is the resistance. Anyone who is part of it is now immune to you." I say. Nadakhan snarls.

"Your wish is yours to keep." I smile and charge. Nadakhan dodges, I slam into the pue. We hold our own until Nadakhan clones hemself.

We retreat and end in the forest. Dogshank and Flintlocke join us and we head for the Misfortunes keep. Zane manages to wrip the tape off and Jay runs to a cabinet.

"We have the poison." He holds it out. I take it, looking it over. "And you still have your wish." Cole says.

"I do. But if there's anything I learned, it's that wishing for something won't make it come true. We all tried to get something from Nadakhan, and look what happened." Jay says.

"It only made him stronger." Lloyd states.

"Right. But if we really want something, don't wish it to happen, make it happen." Jay smirks, I know where he's going.

"But how are we gonna get close?" Cole asks.

"Maybe two of us doesn't have to get close." Jay says.

"Me?" Flintlocke and me say simultaneously.

"You can take the shot from far away. Once he's weakened, we'll do the rest." Jay says.

"But I can't even shoot water in an ocean." Flintlocke says, looking down.

"According to Nadakhan. But he never held the real power. We did." I say

"I don't follow." Dogshank says.

"All his wishes, he could never make them on his own. He needed us to make them come true. Just like when I wished to be rich, he tried to convince me my dad died. But that wasn't my real dad. My real dad lives with my mom, happy in the junkyard." Jay says.

"That's true." Cole says.

"And how did he manage to capture the greatest Ninja this world has ever seen?" I ask.

"We all wished ourselves away. He's right. It's worth a shot, Flintlocke." Lloyd says. I toss a coin out to the other side of the Keep.

"If what you're saying is really true, then let's see if I've still got my mojo." He shoots the coin and I pierce it with my arrow.

Lloyd puts a hand on my shoulder. "If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen." Lloyd says.

Flintlocke loads his gun with the dart. "Just give me a clear shot." While I load an arrow in my bow. "And I'll do the rest." I say, licking the arrow head, an orange liquid coating the blade.

We go, I land in the courtyard, on a pillar. I watch as the ninja are beaten and turned to gold. Nadakhan smirks, Nya, under possession of Dilara, hugs Nadakhan.

Me and Flintlocke both say "My shot is yours to keep." We fire. Both hit Nadakhan and he falls.

I go down, kneeling beside Lloyd as he and the others return human. Djinjago starts falling apart.

I smile,Jay runs to Nadakhan for the last wish when Nya calls out. I look and gasp in horror as Jay cradles Nya, she got hit by Flintlocke's shot as well.

"It only hurts a Djinn, but is fatal to her." Zane says.

"Only one wish, Jay. What a dilemma. Wish me mortal, and she dies. Wish her well...and there is no stopping me." Nadakhan pants. Nya pleds for Jay to use his wish to stop Nadakhan. Nya dies and I drop to my knees.

Jay is sobbing quietly "I wish you had taken my hand, and no one ever found that teapot in the first place." He says. I see Nadakhan about to strike Jay when he gasps.

Nadakhan drops the sword. "Your yours to keep."


I'm flying high in the sky, the kids are with Wu and Garmadon at the ship. I see the ninja on a billboard, hiding from Dareth. Going over, I hug Lloyd. Holding my sister after she tackles me, I realize this family isn't whole yet.

Going to Kyrptarium prison, I go to Noble. Asking for kairen's bail bond, I pay for it and ask for the record to be destroyed. Kairen meets me outside, we hug it out. "Thanks for not forgetting me." He says.

"Never again will we be apart, want to meet your niece's and nephew's." I ask. "Hell yeah." We head home, I'm glad to have the family whole.


Okay, do the readers want me to do the Day of the Departed.

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