Chapter 15

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Kai's p.o.v

Zane lands his ship, I land at the hatch. It opens and Zane walks out. I step back at Zane's appearance.

"I'm taking it the Zane you know doesn't look like this

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"I'm taking it the Zane you know doesn't look like this." I shake my head. "Well, come aboard, I have friends to meet." Zane tells me. I clime the ramp, Zane goes to the pilot seat and I the co-pilot.

Watching everything go by, I pull out my picture. Zane looks as I touch Lloyd's face. "He good. Ours is controlled by dark matter." He asks. "Yes, my husband and father of our five children." I say.

Zane touches my arm. "We'll help you get home." He says. Zane takes the ship to densely packed forest, landing by a hut. Two figures come out and I'm floored by Cole and Nya.

 Two figures come out and I'm floored by Cole and Nya

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I walk down the ramp, Cole is on the defence

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I walk down the ramp, Cole is on the defence. Zane gets infront of me, I step around. Pulling my bow off, the staff on my hip, I throw them at Cole. He and Nya look at me as I put my hand on my head and drop to my knees.

Cole comes behind me, he grabs my arms and pulls them behind. With rope, he folds my arms and ties them. Than wraps the rope around my chest and back, I hiss as the rope hits the scars and scabs.

"Sorry, my back got shredded by an enemy. He struck me fifty times." Cole loosens the rope but keeps it on. Picking me up, I walk to the hut. Cole gently nudges me to sit on a bench, I curl my tail.

Fingers combing my tail has me jumping up. "I'll do as asked, just don't touch my tail or ears. Their highly sensitive and will send me into a heat." I tell Nya. "If that's the only request, I can live with it. Now, who are you and how'd you come here." Cole asks.

I sit on the bed, ears flicking hear and there. I'm debating on telling but, to have trust, one must give it. "My names was Kai Smith. It's now Garmadon. I'm the master of water in my realm. And for how I got here, a hooded man sent me here. I was relaxing with my husband and kids when he attacked us." I explain.

The three look at me. Cole comes over, unwrapping the rope. "Respect goes both ways. Sorry for the ropes." Cole says, I rub my wrists. Shrugging, I stretch my arms.

"One must show respect to earn it." I say. "So, care to tell." I say. Cole takes his scythe, sharping the blade. "Did your Lloyd defeat the Overlord." Cole asks.

"Me and Lloyd did, yes. I'm his husband and our power fused together. He gained the gilded dragon but lost it soon after due to the Overlord extracting it from us. I'm dubbed the Silver Dragon." I tell them.

Zane looks to the window, the sun almost set. Cole gets up, Nya as well as Zane follows. I follow them to the celler. We sit on the beds as the sun completely sets.

"We get up at four-thirty and retire at seven." Cole says. "If not, Lloyd's shadow maji will find us. Five years have passed and it's been like this since Lloyd was corrupted by the dark matter." Nya explains.

"And with Kai and Jay missing as well as Lloyd's commander's, we're screwed." I nod at Zane's explanation.

"Well, Lloyd might be all dark and scary, but we have an edge now." Nya says, looking at me. I shake my head. "It almost killed me when I fought Lloyd at Chen's tournament of elements." I say. "But I'll try to help."

"Good enough for me." Cole says, laying down. I pull the blankets back, wings curling around me, I curl up. Pulling my picture out, I hold it to my heart.

'I'm coming home soon, my family.' I think.

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