Chapter 14

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Kai's p.o.v

Pulling on the tanktop, my back loosens again. The scar tissue is right on my back. It's been two months and my back is a mix of scar tissue and scabs. Pulling on my coat, I walk out to the courtyard of father's monastery.

Lloyd helps Damian hang a newly tie dyied t-shirt. "Mommy, come see, come see." Allison says from beside Leo. I go over, bending down easy, I feel a few scabs break and blood speckles the wraps. Looking at the shirt, it's a dragon.

"Wanna hang it." I ask. Allie nods and I stand it the shirt. Pinning it beside Damian's, Lloyd pecks my cheek. I look at Jay and Nya as they dye a t-shirt. Going to a blank one, I take a bottle and begin.

Lloyd crouches beside me as I make the symbol of mine and Lloyd's dragons. Jay gets, he going to the cans that we have for mixing. He finds the right color as I finish the shirt.

We spend time with the family and Lloyd spends it looking after me. I lay on hem as the sun lowers to the earth. Damian, Leo, Victoria, Jacob and Allison sit with us.

I pull from Lloyd, taking to the air as a cry goes out. Lloyd takes to me as a hooded man slams into me. I fight the man, ripping his hood off but I don't know the guy.

"Have fun, hope you survive." I look at hem when hoodie blasts me with a black ball.

"No...Kai." Lloyd yells as I'm sent to a dark place. Flapping my wings, I slow. Hovering, I see Ninjago but.....dark. It's dead. Hearing engines, I bank hard to dodge a ship.

Looking the way it came, I bank and dive to miss two other ships. Trusting my gut, I follow them, coming to the first ship. Looking into the cockpit, I see Zane. The red ship blasts fire, I counter with a blast of ice, following it up with lightening.

The ship short circuits, I shoot the blue ship and the pilot ejects. I look back at Zane, he motions me to follow and I do.

'How will I get home.'

'Will I ever see my family again.' I think.

Ninjago: Not All Things Are What They Seen.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang