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Lloyd's p.o.v

Walking the hall to the cell blocks, I look over at Kai. He has a collar on with chains leading from it. Kai's arms are shackled behind, his feet held by the same chains. The guards also took it to the next step and muzzled hem, Kai fought tooth and nail when they pulled us from the van.

Kai looks at me, I smile as he returns it with a nod. I try to get the shackles off as Zane talks. "Kryptarium Prison, we've been here before, but as guests, never inmates." He tells us.

Kai jurks violently in his bonds, the Vengestone making it impossible to connect minds. The guards pull on the chains to the collar, Kai fight harder.

I go to Kai, cupping his face. Putting our foreheads together, Kai clams down. "I don't like as much as you do. We will get out of here. Just wait." I kiss the muzzle. Kai nuzzles my shoulder.

Pulling away, we continue down the hall. "Since you're celebrities, I took the liberty of taking you out of the general population..." Noble tells us.

Jay speaks up. "Ha! Who doesn't love special treatment?"

Noble opens the door. "...and placing you in the super mean and dangerous population." Prisoners chatter indistinctly. Kai moves closer to me.

"Now, the maximum number of inmates in a cell are five. Since dragon is so aggressive...." "We'll go together and that's final." I snarl.

Kai calls, he's being led away. I go but am held back. Kai pushes enough to where our foreheads touch and he's ripped away. My cry is heard as Kai is led to the opposite side, he fights the whole way.

The five of us are in a cell, I see Kai pacing his from across the gap. He stops at the bars, grabbing them and makes eye contact. I reach a hand out, Kai does the same and he leans his head on the bars.

Kai's p.o.v

Sliding down the bars, I rest my head on them. Tears fall as shuffling sounds, the door slides open and I'm in the back. Crouching in a attack position, I gasp in shock.




Can anyone guess.

Ninjago: Not All Things Are What They Seen.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin