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SO. I already talked to you about Soukoku, a ship that I am fully on board with from a different fandom? So there are some things you might need to konw about the canon before I share this with you. 

#1: The characters have 'Skills'. Each has a special ability, like, one can turn into a tiger, another can make like strange shadow demons from stuff, it's complicated but anyway. 

#2: Chuuya and Dazai-- the two people mentioned-- are ex-partners. They were partnered together but now they kind of hate each other, but not really, like um. They sound legit like an old married couple. 

Okay! Now that that's over with, let me tell you some more canon moments with them!!

(1) Once they reached for the doorknob at the same time, and their hand like brushed. Which is a fanfiction trope?? Like, it is!! 

(2) Dazai called Chuuya 'beautiful' once, literally saying "You came to rescue me? You trusted in me?" 

And Chuuya was like "Yea, I believed in your disgusting craftiness and planning." 

And then Dazai straight up said "How beautiful..." And just for context, Dazai was cupping a hand around Chuuya's cheek at the time and Chuuya had just saved Dazai's life. 

(3) Chuuya's power, when activated fully, he's unable to control it. He goes around rampaging until he runs out of power and dies. But it's really, really strong, so in certain situations, he needs to use it. How does he not die, you ask? Well, Dazai's ability allows him to nullify the abilities of anyone else. By touching them. So Dazai goes up and like holds Chuuya's hand or something and Chuuya calms down and doesn't die. 

(4) Once they were alone together and-- I swear, I cannot make this shit up-- Dazai had his hand on Chuuya's thigh and his other hand on his face and they were kneeling together on the floor, like faces barely inches apart. Chuuya says "Let go of me, asshole." And Dazai is like "If I let go, your skill will rampage again. I don't want to have to save you from your skill right now. You're already exhausted and hurt." And it was just so soft idk??? 

(5) Dazai called Chuuya his 'ex' once. He meant it as 'ex-partner' but you know??? Like???

(6) So the place where Chuuya works had captured Dazai, and he was against the wall in chains, in the classic anime girl 'arms above the chest' pose. So Chuuya comes down, they talk a bit, and I SWEAR TO GOD he says this: "Fight me, Dazai. I'll smash you and that little plan of yours." And I was sitting there like do the translators know what that's slang for in English??? Come on! 

(7) And the writer recently released a statement saying that Chuuya is bisexual!!! I'm like Oh My FuCk!!!


(8) some of this imagery is canon some isn't but I just think they're adorable so here you go some Souoku fanart I'm so sorry to bother you with this kind of thing when you aren't part of the fandom, but I just want someone to squee with about how fuckin adorable they are. 

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