My Love

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Ari dared me to write angsty Royality and HA of course I can who do you think you are TALKING to

I am an angst RULER


so here we are

Angsty royality

Vampire AU



When someone tells you it's okay, do you think it's alright to believe them?

Or are they lying?

Patton lay awake in his bed, hands softly bunching the blanket in his hands. 

I'm okay. 

He took a deep breath and turned over, trying hard not to cry. He was supposed to be the happy character, the cheerful, supporting person who held everyone up and always laughed. 

The positive person in this sad, sad story. 

I have to be okay. 

His door creaked open, and Virgil entered. He sat on the edge of Patton's bed, a quiet expression on his face. 

"Do you need anything?" he asked, placing a hand on the other's leg. 


Patton's reply was nearly silent, a small whisper, a rustle of leaves in a grand forest. Such a small noise, and yet so much power echoed in that word. 

Virgil sighed, standing up. "Dinner's ready, if you want any. It's okay if you don't."

The brunette nodded softly. "Thanks."

Pausing at the door, Virgil looked back at the quiet figure. "Are you alright?"

Patton didn't talk for a while. Virgil stopped walking, waiting for an answer. It was clear he wasn't going to move until he got one. 

Trying to smile, Patton just nodded. "Yeah."

"I'm okay."

Giving him a small grin that flashed his fangs, Virgil nodded back and slipped outside the door, closing it with a silent thump. 

Alone, Patton didn't move, didn't speak. 

He tried to take deep breaths, but his throat was blocked up. 

I need to smile. 

What's wrong with me?

I'm okay. 

I... have to be. 

He rubbed his eyes and breathed slowly out. His eyes slowly closed, and he drifted off to sleep like a lost cloud. 


"Just go!"

As loud as a thunderclap, yet Roman's plea was lost on deaf ears, as Patton desperately tried to drag him toward the doors. Tears streaked both faces, landing with soft plops on the marble floor. 

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