Calm of the Storm ☆ Top!Fujin

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(For May Flowers and Xi_Ramon69.)

Your hand clutches your side, red with sticky blood coagulating to your palm. The Jinsei can't be much further ahead. Your vision goes fuzzy every now and then, your feet stumbling on the wet stone of the dragon grotto. But, when you came to see Raiden, you didn't expect to be stopped by his unreasonably beautiful brother.

Fujin steps before you, silvery white hair dangling over his glowing eyes and hand at his waist, ready to draw his blade.
"Who goes there?" He demands and you step out of the shadows.
"It's me, Fujin." You wince and the wind god pauses, fingers touching his lips in shock as he takes a step back. "I-I just need to get to the Jinsei. I heal." You murmur, withdrawing your bloodied hand.
"What-- What happened?" He rushes to your side, cradling your body like a china doll.
"Can't quite...remember..." You cough weakly, collapsing into his arms. Just as Fujin hoists you over his shoulder, you black out...

When you open your eyes, you see the textured ceiling of the dragon grotto, Raiden's palm pressed firmly to your side.
"He has been wounded deeply, Fujin." Raiden observes as Fujin hovers over your face, stroking along your cheek with his fingers soothingly.
"But he will recover...?" He asks hesitantly and Raiden nods.
"He is a strong warrior and a stubborn survivor. He will heal." Slender fingers brush through your hair, a light breeze ruffling it as Fujin smiles down at you. There's a long pause between the brothers. "How do you know him, brother?" Raiden asks and Fujin's eyes flick to him, wide-eyed.
"... When I asked to live amongst the humans, he found me, sheltered me, fed me. He gave me everything he had. In return, I gave him the location of the Jinsei, to find me and to heal in an emergency. I had to repay him." A small smile graces Raiden's lips as he looks up to see his brother.
"You learnt so much, Fujin. I cannot believe that they taught you so much." You black out again with Fujin's hands cradling your face.

A few weeks later, you're back at full health, thanks to the assistance from Earthrealm's protectors. Raiden is scarcely seen due to his brother doting on you, morning and night. Sat up in bed, you read one of the many tomes found in Fujin's library, a diary recording the year he was amongst the humans.

'I find myself in the care of the most kind man. Gentle, caring and strong. He cares for me and has not yet taken advantage of me. His smile is loving and I feel my heart swell every time I see it...'

You smile subconsciously, turning a few pages.

'He smiled at me again today, after I tried to help him prepare supper and it resulted in his utensils being blown out of the window. I believe he has forgiven me for my wrong-doings though.'

You hear a door creak open but you don't move fast enough. Fujin; his robes clumsily thrown on and his hair in a loose ponytail. He doesn't expect you to be up, especially not with a volume of his tomes.
"How are-- Are you reading my diary?" Fujin marches into the room and snatches the book from your hands, his cheekbones darkening to a dusky pink. "How much did you read?" He asks and you shrug.
"Not much. Nothing incriminating." You reply with a shrug. "You had a crush on me when you first met me." You state and he averts his gaze nervously. You take his hand in your own, placing kisses to each knuckle. "I thought you were beautiful. I still do." His bright eyes flick to you, surprised and anxious. With a few deep breaths, the wind god levels his eyes at you, dark and daring.
"Then you have quite the lesson to learn when it comes to your behaviour towards Earthrealm's protectors."

Before you're able to register it, Fujin has pressed you into the mattress, knees straddling your hips as he kisses you hungrily. You reach up, pulling his pale, silvery hair out of its ponytail. The threads slip between your fingers like whisps of a cloud. His cyan eyes look hesitant but he goads himself into claiming your lips forcefully. His lips are soft and his breath is cool as it ghosts across your cheek. His smooth palms brace against your chest and you forget all about the wound there only a few weeks ago. He feels virtually weightless on top of you as you begin mewling into his mouth. He pulls away, leaving you breathless and needing more.
"A-Are you okay? Am I hurting you?" He asks worriedly and you shake your head, dismissing his questions as your hands part his robes, baring his toned chest to the air.
"... Gorgeous..." You sigh and the wind god goes a deep shade of pink. Hurriedly, he reaches for a sash from his robes and rolls it up, sliding it into your mouth.

He dismounts and turns you onto your stomach. For a moment, you fear he may be putting you back to bed before his fingertips slide beneath the waistband of your pants, drawing the material over the swell of your ass. You prop yourself up on all fours to make it easier for him. The material slides over your ass and the flat of his hand is pressed to your warm skin. A strike comes down and it stings, a sharp whine absorbed by the material between your teeth. Again and again, growing more confident with every strike, with every bitten back moan. Then, his palm lingers longer, slender fingers tracing the red hand marks left on your skin.
"You enjoy this treatment, don't you?" He asks, half honestly half rhetorically. You make a noise behind your makeshift gag and nod, burying your face in the sheets. He continues, strike after strike, watching red hand prints appear as you yelp.

"I have changed my mind; you don't belong on the bed. You belong on your knees, serving me." He explains and you easily hop to the floor, dropping the remainder of your clothes as you go. He swallows nervously, seating himself on the side of the bed, as you work your way between his thighs. You nudge the obvious bulge in his robes and he hesitantly parts the material, watching you take it into your mouth and gaze up at him through lust-glazed eyes. His silvery hair hangs about his face and he cards his shaky fingers through it as you run the flat of your tongue against the underside of his cock. Wordlessly, his fingers wind into your hair, loosely following your movements as you begin to bob your head along his flesh. The knuckles on the hand in his hair turn white as he tries to keep a lid on his sounds.

Watching him reach orgasm is intoxicating. His cyan eyes flutter shut and he takes in a shuddering breath, his whole body flooding with shivers as you study him from between his thighs. When you draw him into your throat and swallow, his self-restraint dissolves away and he pushes you off, running his palm along his cock until he spends, his come painting your cheeks, the bridge of your nose, your lips, everywhere.
"... Oh...! B-By the Elder Gods...!" He moans as some of his come drips onto your bottom lip. When he stops hyperventilating, his eyes turn back to you, lidded and sated.

"Th-This isn't the way I wanted to tell you..." He breathes as he watches you lick some of the come from your lips, making him blush wildly.
"Tell me what?" You ask and he looks away nervously.
"When I came down to wander amongst humans, you... I mean, we-- I'm trying..." He stammers and pauses as you kneel, wiping his come from your face. He licks his way into your mouth, holding you close and whining into your mouth. " you..." He whispers and you feel your body swell with happiness. You thread your fingers into his hair and kiss him back fervently.
"I like you too, Lord Fujin..." You breathe as you part for air. His eyes widen  before he splits into a huge smile, cupping your cheek tenderly.

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