Forest Stalker ☆ Nightwolf

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(For its ya boi.)

"Thank you for guiding me around your temple. It's been quite a day, yes?" Nightwolf's dark eyes turn to you as you return to the shrine of your temple. He was interested and, as the keeper of the temple, you took it upon yourself to guide him.
"It was no trouble at all." You beam at him and he reciprocates, a small smile tugging at his lips. He turns to wander down the stairs, boots crunching on the stone. Only a few steps down, you remember. "Oh! Would you like some tea before you leave?" Alerted, he turns and glances at you.
"That sounds perfect."

In your modest home, near the shrine, you pour some hot water into a teapot before clumsily setting a tea set on the table. It's been a long while since you've had visitors after all and you're used to drinking alone. The man sitting across the table catches a ceramic cup before it rolls off the table, placing it back down.
"Please, tell me more about how you came to be Nightwolf." You ask, adding a spoon of ground spiced ginger to the teapot.
"I was known as Grey Cloud when I was younger. I was an angry, angry child, full of rage at the world and at myself. I was approached by a black market leader, called Kano, and he offered me money in exchange for some of the Matoka's most sacred artifacts. I agreed. I was a fool." Wide-eyed, you listen to his story, the tea steeped as you begin to pour it. "I realised I would be selling the honor of my people as well as our artifacts--"
"Ow!" You drop the teapot to the table with a clatter, your hands burning from the warm porcelain.
"Are you alright?" He asks and you nod, blowing on them.
"Please, continue."
"I turned against my unlikely partner and protected my clan for the first time in my life. I lost and was cast to the wayside to die like the dog I was. But the Great Spirit must have seen something in me that was valuable, something that I could use to protect." You pour another cup and offer it to your visitor, he takes it in his large, warm hands, fingers brushing yours as he takes it. "The Great Spirit gave me the mantle of the Nightwolf, defender of the Matoka, which gave me the power to stop Kano. I've been protecting my clan ever since." He takes a sip of tea, sighing airily. "This tea is delicious."
"Thank you... It's amazing how you became Nightwolf." You take a gulp of tea and let its warmth fill you. "So the Great Spirit can choose anyone, even if they aren't of the Matoka clan?" You ask curiously, your palms wrapped around your cup, the warmth creeping up your arms and filling your body with heat.
"Yes. I was lucky enough to be chosen but, when I pass, the mantle will be transferred to another. Maybe even you could be a Nightwolf." His hands wrap around your own, on the cup. You eyes dart up to meet his, calm and kind. The tea doesn't seem to be the only thing warming you up. You go a bright shade of red as you pull your hands away, standing and wandering over to the cupboard, where you keep a small collection of snacks. You retrieve a small stack of cardamom biscuits and arrange them on a plate before placing them on the table. "Your place, here, is stunning, you overlook the valley but you live so far from the town. Do you grow and make all your own food?" You pick up a biscuit and nod.
"Yes. It was difficult to get used to at first but I knew I couldn't fail as the shrine needs constant attention." You explain and he smiles.
"A noble cause. May I?" He gestures to the small plate of biscuits and you nod eagerly.
"Please, eat! You're my guest!" You beam at him and he chuckles.

The talking continues, late into the evening. You explain how you became the keeper of the shrine and how your father left you the small house, just outside of the temple gates. You explain how the shrines used to be desecrated. You explain how your blessings deter those who wish to do the shrine harm. Nightwolf seems enraptured.
"Your life sounds difficult, complicated." He states after a while and you shrug.
"I suppose, I had to get used to it." You clean away the dishes, piling them into the sink, before glancing out of the window. Time must've flown by because now the trees sparkle with starlight and the sky is an inky blue-black. "Gods! It's gone dark." You state, turning to him, hoping he isn't upset or angry.
"Indeed. Night tends to come after day." He laughs, standing.
"You aren't worried about getting home?" You ask and Nightwolf shakes his head. He turns to the door but you grasp onto his arm. "Please, stay!" You yelp and it sounds like you want him here. No, it's just a polite and simple offer when it's dark and you have a perfectly good sofa.
"Are you sure?" He turns and your hand lingers on his forearm slightly too long. His skin is warm and the muscles stretched beneath it flex with enough strength to tear you in two.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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