Androstenedione ☆ Kabal

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You rub your eyes and set down your papers. The Defense Systems for Power Users exam is in a few weeks and you're trying to cram twelve months of knowledge into your head. Analyse? Synthasize?? What the fuck... You push your laptop off your thighs and onto the mattress, where it lands neatly, the lid closing as you push it down. Sonya had told you that it wasn't a big deal but this seems like a pretty big deal to you. You huff and head to the bathroom.

The bathroom is sparkling clean because you'd rather do that than study. Checking the mirror, you sigh in dismay. The dark rings under your eyes tell the story of all-nighters and too many cans of sugar-sweet energy drinks. The oversized shirt you wear is crumpled and really has seen better days if the juice and tea stains leave anything to be said. Your comfy, cotton shorts have ridden up your thighs, exposing a vast plain of scarred flesh that spans the expanse of your legs. Shrugging and ruffling your hair, you tilt your face down to the sink and turn on the tap. When the water is ice cold, you splash your face and wipe it down with the accompanying towel. Feeling slightly refreshed, you head back to the bedroom.

You pad into your bedroom, sighing as you look at your laptop. Wait... The window wasn't open when you left. Oh, shi--
"Evening." Comes a processed voice behind you, behind the door. Within a second, a body is pressed to your back and a blade to your throat. You swallow, feeling a cold steel edge press against your neck. "You're Sonya's champion wannbe, aren't you?" He asks and your brows knit.
"I-I guess? But I work in DS, not on the front lines." You pluck up your courage. You sure are awake now. "What do you want with me?" You ask as your eyes follow blade to gloved hand to burnt arm. His whole arm is burnt. His whole body? No wonder he's a little steamed.
"I have unfinished business with Sonya and you're going to be my bargaining chip because daughter dearest is off with her." He growls against your ear in a voice that probably isn't supposed to be hot. Every breath is more audible, his words processed by some sort of mask that's cold against your ear.
"She won't be back from Outworld with her team until tomorrow morning." You explain shakily, your legs growing weak beneath you
"Right. Guess I'm staying the night. Gotta make sure you don't go anywhere." He announces, his blade removed from your throat and his heat lost from your back. You collapse on the bed and look up at the tresspasser. Skin burnt to a deep amber, the lidded eyes of the mask glowing red with anger. The shuānggōu he had poised at your throat is tucked behind his back, crossed against another in its sheath.
"Are you...Kabal? You used to be police or something?" You ask. Sonya told you about him at some point. Back when she wore short shorts and severely low-cut vests onto the battlefield, for some ungodly reason.
"Yep, that's me. Burnt to a crisp until I became the charming creature you see before you." He offers bitterly and you swallow. You wish you'd never said anything, now.

You sit up and reach for your computer, after all Kabal's going to be here all night so you might as well keep studying. He can't hurt you anyway, he needs you alive and well for hostage reasons.
"Don't move." He orders and you tilt your head.
"What're you gonna do? Stop me from studying? I know you're like evil or whatever but that would just be a dick move, okay?" You sigh, lifting your laptop onto your lap before he bats it away. "Hey!" His shuānggōu is pressed under your chin, the blade shallowly cutting into the skin as his other hand braces on the wall next to your head.
"How do I know you're not contacting someone at SF?" He asks, the crimson eyes of his mask bearing into you. What feels like a long silence falls between the two of you. "... Damn, you're cute." He murmurs, crackly and processed, through his mask which is actually...kind of hot. He takes a moment, looking your body up and down, and heat creeps across your cheeks. "... Wonder how Sonya keeps her hands off of you." He muses, more to himself, and you wince at that.

Slowly, your hand inches toward Kabal's scarred cheek, fingers coming into contact with rough, uneven skin. It feels...different. He tilts his face into your fingers, sliding your fingers against the steel of his mask. Your fingers trace over the mouthpiece, feeling the warmth of his breath through the ventilators. Gently, more gently than you'd expect from a man like him, he leans forward, pressing the mouthpiece against your lips. He whips the shuānggōu from under your chin, his gloved hand pressed to your jaw as he settles beside you.
"Wish I could take of this damn mask." He huffs as your lips continue onto his cheek and against his throat. You push the steel armour from his built shoulders, your fingers trailing down onto his chest. His leather-clad hands shimmy up your shirt, the leather sliding against your skin deliciously. A soft groan leaves him as his fingertips graze across your collarbone, the smoothness of the flesh there. Your hands splay out against his chest, pushing him to the mattress as you lean down to softly kiss under his chin and back up his mask.
"Mission going according to plan, Kabal?" You tease, mounting him and feeling his gloved hands slide up your thighs.
"Not quite but I'm not complainin'." Your shorts collect around his wrists as he grabs two handfuls of your ass. "Sure hope you're built sturdy." You daren't use your nails or your teeth as you palm his chest, kneading your fingers against his scarred flesh.

In a flash, Kabal has you on your back, hips between your thighs as he grinds onto you. He stands to full height, towering above you. His camo pants are rough on the cotton of your shorts, rutting hard and fast against your body. Still, he's chest to chest with you, raspy breaths snarling out of his respirator. His hands drag the shirt over your head and he lavishes your chest with touches of his palms and fingertips. He drags down your shorts, his other hand palming up your thigh.
"Lets make this a little more fun." He turns out the lamp on the nightstand so the only thing you can see is the ominous eyes of his mask.

You hear the squeeze of a bottle then something slick and then Kabal's dick nudging against your entrance, his leather-clad fingers demanding entry into your mouth.
"Suck." He orders and you comply, his hips slamming against yours, thrusting himself deep into you. You yelp around his fingers, tightly biting down on them. "Get ready for the speed demon." He growls out as he begins to snap his hips into yours at a ridiculous pace. You curse around the digits in your mouth, groaning when his free hand grabs your cock and begins jerking you to the same, insane rhythm. His thrusts begin to stutter, his body shaking and shivering as his spine gives out, his scarred chest landing on yours and winding you slightly. The hand at your mouth slides out, dragging a trail of saliva against your throat and down your chest. The smoothness of your skin, the scent, the temperature. He presses his masked face against the crook of your neck as his thrusts grow uneven and unsteady. "Cuh... Coming..." He growls out as he bottoms in your body one, last time, filling you to the brim. The sensation has you spilling into his palm, your hand having crept into his long-ish black hair.

"Jeez, that was good..." He breathes, rolling off you and landing next to you, on the bed.
"Y'know, I'm not going to be that intimidated by you now I know you're the quickest shot in the West." You laugh, throwing an arm over your eyes, as he realises you're not talking about guns.
"Can it." He sighs tiredly.
"If you're staying in my bed, can you take a shower? Towels on the left, outside the bathroom." You sigh and he props himself up on his elbows.
"And if I refuse..." He presses and you sit up exhaustedly.
"I'll drag you in there myself."

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