Endless Winter (PART 2) ☆ Teacher!Kuai Liang

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Kuai had handed you the insignia of the Lin Kuei, during your bìyè diǎnlǐ, in the late afternoon. The students had bowed their heads and something had crossed the Grandmaster's eyes. Acceptance? Pride? Or something else entirely? You hadn't expected Kuai to pick you up and kiss you in the centre of the courtyard or anything but you thought he would've met you after your bìyè diǎnlǐ at least. Instead, a couple students help you move your few belongings from the student barracks and into the Lin Kuei quarters.

The rooms are much larger and there are fewer of them. The Lin Kuei quarters are a short walk from the student barracks but they're so much nicer. You slide back the screen door to your new home and place down your sets of clean robes and armour. The students drop off your books, journals, your huge bag of green tea leaves and your oak bonsai plant before taking their leave. Clean tatami lines the floor. An cherrywood tea table lies in the centre of the room, housing a tea set and various, small boxes of tea leaves. A double bedroll sits in the corner with a cherrywood nightstand that holds a paper lantern. A small bathroom is found behind a closet-sized sliding door. In the student barracks, you used to have a tap and a bucket to wash yourself down. Here, nothing? Seems suspect but you can ask the Grandmaster, later. The room is bathed in a deep orange light as he sun sets over the hills. You place the bonsai on the tea table, beside the tea set. The place looks a lot more at home with your bonsai and your comfier robes folded into the cupboard. Speaking of comfy, you slide out of your training gear and into a loose-fitting robe that hangs at your shins as you make yourself some tea, thinking of a place to hang your insignia.

When the sun has het below the hills, you are still reading through the works of Shujinko and his journey through the Chaosrealm. A knock sounds at your door. You stand, brush down your robes and slide open the door to find the Grandmaster stood a step below you, in your doorway.
"Oh! Grandmaster!" You bow and point towards the bathroom. "There's no shower in here?"
"We have a spring, by the Elder Shrine. I'll have to take you tomorrow morning." There's a lull in the conversation before, without a word, he grasps your chin and gently tilts your head until he can kiss you. You gasp against his mouth and you can feel his lips twist into a slight grin. Out in the open, where everyone can see. When you realise what you're doing, you push him back by his chest, chest heaving and eyes wide.
"Kuai--" You yelp and he quirks a brow at you.
"You're one of us, now. More specifically, you're mine, now." He sweeps you off your feet and spins your round, planting kisses across your cheek and forehead.
"Kuai! St-Stop it!" You yelp before he places back on your stair. There's a pause where he looks so happy, so content.
"May I come in?" He asks softly and you're broken from your trance-like stare into him.
"Umm-- Of course! Yes! Please!" You step aside and let him step up, into your humble new home.

As you slide the screen door shut, you feel Kuai's cool fingers on your shoulders, sliding the material from them. From behind you, he bares your torso to the air, pressing icy kisses to the back of your neck. You turn in his arms, pulling off his headband before you tug at his hair, biting at his lips and sliding your tongue into his mouth.
"Bold, tonight, aren't we?" He asks and you nod, a hand at the curve of his jaw as you kiss him. His hands find the sash of your robe, pulling it and watching the silk flutter to the floor, exposing your body to the air. "I can't believe it's taken so long..." He sighs, hoisting you up to wrap your legs around his waist as he presses your back to the wall. With your bodies pressed so tight together, you can feel the distant heat that pulses through him.
"... Not here." You manage and he sets you down. "We've never had the pleasure of making love on a bed, Grandmaster." You tease, splaying your body to your new bedroll and skimming your hands over your naked body, watching his eyes long for you. Kuai slides out of his armour, carding his fingers through his hair before diving on top of you. He palms up from your hip bones, breathing in the heady scent of your body as he leans down to kiss you.
"Àirén..." He sighs against your lips as your fingers thread into his silky, black hair.
"Kuai, please... I know this is our first night of freedom...but I can't hold on tonight." You manage against his ear and he pulls back, gazing into his eyes as he smiles.
"Then, I will keep this visit short."

The Grandmaster swiftly kisses and licks down the centre of your body before easily swallowing down your cock.
"K-Kuai--" You yelp but he doesn't stop, bobbing his head and stroking at your swollen balls. His mouth is surprisingly hot and wet and you could lose yourself in the way he's looking at you with your cock shoved in his mouth. You hook your knees over his shoulders as he glances up at you, eyes teasing as he brings you closer and closer to losing it. "Kuai, come on, please...! That's-- Ohhhh..." He licks a wet stripe up the underside of your cock and smirks at you. "You're...a menace." You moan and he chuckles lowly before resuming his torture. His teeth barely graze at the base of your cock, making you suck in a breath and hold it. Something flares in your belly as he switches angles and you can see the head of your cock press against the inside of his cheek. "Kuai, I'm going to..." But he pulls his mouth off you at the last second.
"Ah, ah, ah." He teases, bringing a cold fingertip over your abdomen and making you shudder at the sensation.

Kuai hauls your knees up as he kneels between your legs. You bite at your knuckle as he suckles marks onto your chest, sinking his cock into you. Eight, thick inches of flesh that spread you open and fill you up. Your fingers work into his hair, nails digging at his scalp and making him growl against your skin. He groans as he bottoms out in your hot, wet body. He feels perfect inside you, knowing to crook his hips just right so the crown of his cock grinds against your prostate. Your bodies slot together and he knows he can move by the way you keen your body into his kisses. He knows you right down to the way your fingers curl against his broad shoulders; please, dàshī, please move, let me feel you. You coil your calves around his pelvis, bringing him closer as he grinds into you, hot and heavy. His hands are planted either side of your head, allowing you to observe as his dark eyes squeeze shut and he begins to breathe heavily, the scar over his eye crinkling. It's comforting and attractive how well you know each other, how confident you are in each other's company. You reach down to stroke yourself to climaxing as he bows his head against the crook of your neck, cold breath washing over your skin as he spills into your body.
"Àirén...! Àirén..." He sighs against your skin and you stay there, catching your breath, bodies still tangled together. Kuai places his head on your chest, watching your hand shake around your cock as you reach your peak. A cool palm is placed over your own, keeping the rhythm even and slow. Your breath grows heavy and hot as you breathe in the clean, cool scent of Kuai's hair. You spend into your hand, come coating your fingers as the majority lands on your abdomen.

You lay there for what must be a quarter of an hour, catching your breath and gazing into each other's eyes. Was it worth the wait? Of course. The love of your life is worth waiting for, after all.

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