Unholy Warrior's Hands ☆ Teacher!Shang Tsung

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(For Ces.)

"Do siceb de iceyored mos gasalu ro? Orihari erih tot itapah ipatoyar dadecie to. Ofopolet rer gusofit..." With Shang's fingers around your wrist, you snap your fingers and a semi-visible green skull, only small, appears in the palm of your hand. "O-Oh, my Gods! I did it!!" You grin, turning to your teacher as he releases your wrist.
"Indeed. You'll be necromancing in no time with that level of study." He smiles at you, circling his desk.
"Can you please teach me how to summon the soul chains, now?" You plead. You've been asking him for the best part of three months.
"They're so complicated and you're only an apprentice. Granted, a very talented apprentice, but an apprentice nonetheless." He deliberates, descending into his chair flamboyantly before labouring over some collections of complex incantations.
"Please, master." You try again and he holds up his hand.
"I said no." He replies, sterner now. Hanging your head, you turn to leave, trudging out of the flesh pits. But, today, you have a trick up your sleeve.

You turn to fire a couple of sparks from your fingers but find your hand immobile. You try and pull your hand away but hear the rattle of chains as you try and pull your arm away.
"You meant those?" A neon green cuff catches your other wrist and before you know it, they're on your ankles too, hoisting your struggling body into the air.
"Yeah, these." You squeak back, watching Shang Tsung stand from his desk and stalk towards you, a grin hidden behind his stern, knowing pout.
"A disobedient student. What to do with you..." He pauses, watching your body wriggle and writhe as you're held in mid-air. A click of his fingers and a chain wraps around your throat, twisting your head at an odd angle.
"I-I-I wasn't trying to hurt...you, master..." You cough.
"I know, I know. Still, your insubordinance must be punished." His gauntleted hand strokes down the centre of your chest. The claws that stem from the fingertips pierce the fabric of your loose, rough spun shirt and rip the fabric to the bottom hem, leaving you virtually bare-chested.
"What're you going to do, master...?" You ask, voice quiet and nervous.
"Whatever I want." He quips back, dark eyes darting from your chest to meet your eyes, cocking his head.

Shang's clawed hand grasps your jaw, claws digging against your cheeks as he drags you to face him. You hiss as the claws of his gauntlet pierce your skin, thankfully the wounds are only shallow. His eyes search yours for what? Fear? Intrigue? Lust? He releases your face, watching pin-pricks of blood rise to the dermis as his claws are pulled from your skin. He wanders to his desk and runs a hand through his hair, his other hand grasping a vial of a neon purple liquid.
"A beloved student, too eager for his own good." Shucking off his top layer of robes, Shang returns to you, dangling the concoction in front of your face.
"What...is that?" You ask hesitantly and Shang chuckles darkly.
"A potion of my own making. I've been meaning to test its effectiveness."

Shang removes the cork and takes the liquid into his mouth before pressing his lips to yours. He pushes the majority of the fluid past your lips. It tastes of peaches and Edinian wine. His tongue slides into your mouth, dragging across your own, before he bites at your lower lip. A hand pinching your nose forces you to swallow and he retreats, collecting a drop from the corner of your lips and sliding the finger into his own mouth. A heat creeps up the back of your neck and breathing becomes difficult, almost like a cage has been bolted around your chest.
"What...was that?" You ask, your voice dying in your throat as the heat spreads from your chest, inching down your abdomen.
"A little essence I mixed with some Bearded Dragon-Akbash musk. Quite powerful." He muses as your frame shudders, a deep blush dusting your cheeks and the centre of your chest.
"What does...it do?" You ask, trying to keep a hold on your sanity as it feels like heatstroke is setting upon your brain.
"It'll be my pleasure to show you."

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