WILL this girl talk to me?

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Lexus barely talked, and never to me, only to Auto and Iggy. She looked at me, not in disgust, not in admiration, not with any emotion at all.

"So, I know you two probably don't have much experience in combat, so I would suggest that you try the hiding strategy." Auto says while grabbing a drink of alcohol, I could tell he was an addict by the amount of wine and morphling he drinks in a day,

"But I know how to completely rewire a truck!" Lexus says in defiance.

"Yeah, but unless there is a truck in the cornucopia I doubt that will help." He testifies.

"Well maybe I can team up with the people from district 3 and they can help me make a bomb!" I start to laugh at the thought of her trying to cooperate with Leo. "What's so funny Solace? Do you not think I'm slightly deadly!" She snaps.

"No, just you better hope that the careers don't want to use them." I say.

"Then I will just join the careers!" She looks mad at me.

"Not if I join them first!" This went on and on for a few minutes. Well I finally got her to speak, it wasn't how I thought it would be but still. "Look, I promised your brother I would keep you safe! The careers will kill you first if they have the chance."

"Guys, calm down! You are fighting over nothing! If you can wait for a couple of days take it out in the arena." Iggy intervenes the fight.

"Lexus, just please don't join the elite. I need to keep you safe, if not for you for your family. Don't join the careers." I try this one more time.

"Well I would rather live a little longer like that than die off at the cornucopia!" 

"Fine! But don't hide behind me whenever the careers get kill hungry." I slam my hands on the table and walk to my quarters, I fall on my bed and sat there until Iggy came to get me for dinner.

Demigods in the Battle of Blood (A Percy Jackson and Hunger Games Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now