Chapter 1

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Hey angel
Do you know the reason why we look up to the sky?

                                   -One Direction

Reed's POV

I watched as everything I've known for the past eight years flash before my eyes.

The city of Johannesburg, I have called home for almost a decade, buildings I had passed countless times on my trips to school and church, every dip and turn on my route to the local store or movies, years of the routines I called normal; all seem to fly passed me as I take a major step in my pursuit for greater things.

"Passengers please lift your trays into the latch and fasten your seatbelts as we'll be landing shortly. Thank you for flying with British Airways".

Eleven hours and forty-five minutes sitting in the same spot with only two bathroom breaks as an excuse to stretch my legs.

It's at times like these that I appreciate my ever intimidating facial expressions, or lack of; if not, the old man on my left would be getting a stank eye as bad as the odor emitting from his shirt, and the lady on my right that chews so loud, would have jumped out of the plane about nine hours ago with the scowl I would've served her.

To say I practically jumped out of my seat and ran up the aisle to the door when the plane landed would be an understatement.

I absolutely adore babies, but I can't possibly be the only one who dreads being thousands of feet in the air with babies and toddlers who just wouldn't shut up the entire flight.

At some point, I think I heard an air hostess murmur something about throwing a particularly cranky baby out the emergency latch.

The only time I've ever traveled in a plane was when we took the move from Tanzania to South Africa.

I was too young to actually notice the hastle of going through the metal detectors and probing hands and wands of the custom officers at the airport.

I tried to prep myself from the moment I got off the plane in a line that seemed fit for prisoners.

They're just doing their jobs. They're not being too touchy. You're not carrying drugs. You're going to be fine. Don't run.

I look up when I realize the final person before me had moved up. I take a look around and realize it's my turn. 

Lord help me to not disgrace my fellow Africans. Don't allow these people to think we are underdeveloped.

I take a deep breath and step forward. I gently take off my shoes, wallet, wristwatch and jacket and place my bags in the scanning machine as I did back in Jouberg airport.

This isn't such a big deal. Why is my heart racing like I'm smuggling?

I walk through the metal detector and there's no alarm.

Praise the heavens.

The officer on my right steps forward eyeing me suspiciously.

It could be my choice of attire or the fact that I'm black or the fact that I have been staring blankly at them while internally having a meltdown, but the female officer takes out her wand, motions me towards her, and runs it over me a few times. And then...


As I get out of check out, I glance at my phone screen . 18:52.  The text I got from aunt Anikkah said she'd be a little late because she couldn't get out of work sooner. I guess I'll just have to find a way to kill the time.

I pick up my suitcase and make the seemingly long walk to a seat in the corner of the waiting area, as every single eye in the entire building seems to fall on me while I walk by.

As usual.

Harry's POV

"OK we're here. Get out of my car. Don't let the door hit you on your way out." Louis rushes out with a smug look on his silly face, just as he parks the car.

"Now, I may not be a genius, but it seems to me like you're trying to get rid of me". I smirk

In the time that we spent together as a band, Louis and I have grown extremely close. I love all the guys, but Lou kind of grew on me. He's like the older brother I never had, my true best mate.

Ever since we announced our hiatus, I've been living with him for a while, just to spend a little time together before we return home for the holidays. I'm so excited to see mum, Robin and Gem.

"And what makes you think that?" He feigns shock.

"I had a hunch. Bumhole." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. Liam and Niall will arrive in a couple days. Don't forget the party at my place on the 24th. And I expect gifts this time around." He raises an eyebrow suggestively at the ending.

"Hey! I thought my friendship was gift enough. Don't you love me anymore Tommi?" I ask, feigning offence.

"I'll remember that when it's YOUR birthday." He counters.

"Aiy that joke is too expensive." I pout, and Louis' expression falls to a deadpan one, making me raise my hands in mock surrender.
"Okay okay.... birthday present, got it. See you when you arrive. I have to go before I miss my flight." I rush out as I start getting out of the car, reaching over my seat to grab my suitcase and duffel bag.

"Yeah don't forget to keep your glasses on, your beanie low and your head down. Don't make eye contact and make sure you walk as fast as possible." Louis lists off. "You've been a celebrity for years yet we have to remind you of this most of the time." He says, raising his brows accusingly. "I know how much you love our fans, but I'm not sending Paul over if you get swarmed. AGAIN. I hope you got everything I just said into that big head of yours." He finishes.

I nod like a bobble head with a sheepish grin, making Louis sigh in resignation.

"See you when I get there, H."

We give ourselves a bro moment with a side hug and a few pats on the back before I'm out of the car and racing to my gate, strictly following the instructions Mr. Tomlinson cared to lay out for me.


So that's the first chapter of The Real Reed and I'm pretty excited. I promise the coming chapters will not be as short as this one. I'd like to remind you that you still will never fully understand what is going on with Reed until later on in the book, so happy reading.
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Feel free to hit me up on Instagram: @chantelle_styles if you have any questions, observations or contributions.
I hope you enjoy the book.

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