Some Explaining to do pt.2

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"I was born into a family that would slowly start to fall apart as I gradually got older, I was probably fourteen when I first met Daehyun outside my school. I was on my way into the little woods we had out back when I saw him drinking blood from a squirrel, I was a lover of supernatural books so I thought I knew everything about vampires but clearly I didn't. He was quite the charmer and played me like a fiddle from the moment my eyes landed on him, he told me that I was the only human that knew and in exchange for my silence he would tell me anything I wanted to know about him." Baekhyun took a deep breath, his fingers tighting around the cup of soda Chanyeol had given him after they had made their way into the living room after their shared shower. 

"The meetings after that were innocent, until he showed up one day looking terrible. He told me that he hadn't drank blood in awhile and that the animal blood he was drinking wasn't doing the same thing for him, he was scared to die and asked me if I would be able to help him. I was young and I willingly admit that I had developed a crush on him after awhile since I found him so close to the fairytale books I've read about vampires and humans falling in love-" 

"That is why I refuse to watch Twilight." Chanyeol intruppted, hoping to lighten the mood as best as he could. The corner's of Baekhyun's lips twitched as his gaze met with the Alpha, they were twinkling again making Chanyeol's stomach flip in happiness. He shifted his weight on the couch and creeped closer to the wolf, Chanyeol holding out his arms as he awaited the vampire to tumble in. When he did they instantly got comfortable and wrapped themselves up in Baekhyun's favourite white and blue checked blanket. 

"Anyway, I became his secret bloodbag and he told me everything there is to know about vampires apart from the switch I only learnt that here.." He paused for effect as Chanyeol took a sharp intake of air into his lungs, he giggled quitely as the Alpha continued to mumble about how he had plans of removing Baekhyun from History class. "he would drop me home every day after school and eventually my parents started to get suspicious of him. To them he was an older guy who seemed like a rebel who would doom me in the future and I wish every night that I had of listened to them. I laid back seeing him so my parents wouldn't freak out, but then he started showing up unannounced outside my house and school. Apparently he was growing desperate for blood and since I was blinded by my stupid teenage love I agreed to spend the weekend with him when I was sixteen." 

"Okay, now I getting uncomfortable!" Chanyeol admitted with a quiet huff, he crossed his arm over his chest which therefore made him cross his arms over Baekhyun's as well. "Just for the record are you going to be including any sexual things that I need to prepare for?" 

"We didn't get that far which is the one thing I'm relieved about from our relationship because I could have done anything under that mind control that I will get to in a moment, oh but we have kissed before!" Baekhyun explained to the Alpha who tightened his grip. 

"I know you're not wanting pity but-" Chanyeol pressed his lips against the crown of the vampire's head. "I'm sorry that this whole thing happened to you and we aren't even properly into the story yet." 

Baekhyun was frozen for a spilt moment before he realised what happened, it caused him to smile before he cleared his throat and continued the story. "That weekend was when I was first introduced to Clara one of the major witches in Daehyun's group, she was the begining of the mind control. I wasn't a very shy character when I was younger so I always thought that eye contact was one of the most important things when communicating with others and I quickly realised how wrong I was, that's how she was able to start it. Vampires were are able to compel humans but since Daehyun had let that slip he wasn't going to be able to be the first one that did it to me, she began the whole thing."

Clara was a nice girl and she had repeadetly apologised to me after I woke up from being murdered and turned into a vampire, she said she had no idea what Daehyun's polans were for me but she never assumed that he would do such a thing since it seemed like he truely loved and cared about me. Anyway after she compelled me Daehyun did it after that, I was told by Clara to trust him and he was only trying to do the best for me. He was on the watch list by the supernatural council who I had met before when he involved me in it's world, since they were watching him he couldn't afford to do the things he needed to with rival gangs I guess. I became his killing machine, he'd get them locked up or in a suitable position and I'd do the rest. It took awhile to get over that but I realised that those deaths weren't truely my fault so when you talked about your experience with Jessica it made me recall the lives of the people I took before coming here." 

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