the murder of 1987

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(A/N: I know the date isn't 1987 but I need it to be so this will work. Not really, I just don't know the real date.)

The young girl unknowingly skipped after the man in the bunny suit, her younger brother close behind. It was her birthday, the birthday of Katherine Funneh La. She was turning 5 and was just so happy and excited!

"This is the room little ones~" the man said gesturing at the parts and service room. It was nearly closing time, the place was nearly deserted. The La's were in the midst of leaving; but young children can get carried away~...

The two little kids happily ran into the room. They were promised more cake and more Pizza! They couldn't wait. But... The room was dark...

"K-Kat! I'm s-scared!" The three year old quickly gripped on to Funneh. Something clicked in Funneh's young mind, she had brought her younger brother into a very dangerous situation, and she had no idea how to get out.

Without warning Funneh was pulled from her brothers grip. A knife pushed through her chest, her blood spilling everywhere. Draco screamed as loud as he could but he was quickly shut up... Funneh lay almost dead on the floor her blood pooling beneath her, her eyes glossing with tears... The man held a hand over the mouth of the sobbing three year old the bloodied knife at his neck.

Slice; Draco lay next to Funneh, slowly dying, unable to speak nor scream due to the deep cut to his neck. It didn't instantly kill either of them, they were left to suffer, at least they would die together and go to heaven! Right...?

Wrong. Oh, how wrong you could be~...


"Kimmy... Did you hear that...?" Four year old Lunar asked her 6 year old sister. Gold quickly nodded in response, their parents, nor did Rainbow hear the muffled scream. It was easy for the two to slip away to the direction of the scream; parts and service.

The two girls stood shocked at the scene they were presented with when the opened the door. Katherine lay dead next to her brother who was nearly dead.

"Oh look who's joined the wonderful party of the birth day girl~..." Their killer said coming into view from the darkness. His knife held in his grip the blood of two dripping from it. That amount of blood would be upgraded to four In a matter of moments. Poor Funneh, having to watch as her family died, unable to do anything only watch...

The knife flew into Golds chest, pain engulfing every nerve; killing her instantly. Lunar stood, paralyzed in fear and unable to process any words. The man simply went to pull the knife out of a dead child. Slowly the knife made its way to Lunar's stomach but he didn't stab her as he watched a single tear fall. He watched with insanity yet happiness. The knife very slowly pushed through Lunar's stomach making her silently sob with pain.

Dead. Dead. Dead. And Dead.

The man was proud of his work, but be was waiting for one more.


"Bethany. Go find your siblings!" Rainbow cringed at the use of her full name but did as asked and ran off to find her younger siblings. Her parents were always busy arguing and they tried to stop on the birthdays of their kids. They failed this one for sure...

Rainbow roamed trying to find a place they possibly could be.. the sight hit her, hig her hardly. The cracked open parts and service door and a red substance dripping through the crack of the door. Slowly she brought herself to enter the room, she pushed the door open the rest of the way and stopped.

In a matter of moments, rainbow was very much dead. Heaven would have been the beautiful place they would've been sent too. But what happens when you don't see the light?


These Five, very innocent children were found by the security puppet. Who gave them a choice, starting with the one that died first.

"What suit would you like dear child..." The puppet said to the navy blue haired, ocean eyed, 5 year old child. Funneh cautiously pointed to the golden bear suit. To which the kind puppet nodded, allowing Funneh's sould to possess the natal of the golden suit.

It went that way for all 5, Draco chose Foxy, Gold chose Chica, Lunar chose Bonnie, and Rainbow chose Freddy. But this was when they were all going by their first names, soon they would be gifted a few years of freedom. They would then go by their second names. They would get 2 years away from their hell but not without returning every night, if they could get someone to save them they would be free, if they couldn't they would once again, suffer.

They were the missing children of Freddy Fazbear's in 1987. They were the murders of 1987.

Oh hi! Most people don't read these... Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, this was less of a chapter and more of a prologue. It's to explain how they were killed.
- Silver

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