ch.1 Voice Box

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Funneh's POV

I groaned in utmost pain, the tugging urge to go back to that dreadful place, never went away. But as it gets closer to twelve... It becomes more painful...

I slowly made my way to Gold's room, we had to get going soon... It was 11:25...  The rest of the Krew may not be here, but we always have to return to the one in our city... Or.... Face eternal torment. Fun!

"Yep, I'm getting my keys!" Gold said as I opened her door. She was clutching her stomach with pain.

"Good..." I mumbled my voice barely working, the thing with Goldie is that his voice box is nearly broken. It's harder for me to talk... But once I'm there the night guard can't get rid of me...

Once Gold got her keys we hopped into her car, both of us in pain. The car started up and within a matter of moments, we were at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Y'know, I always blamed myself for our deaths, and technically it really is my fault...

We came in the normal way, like usual... Although I could just teleport, I went in with Gold. Or as the night has named her, Chica. It took so much to not return to Animatronic form; very, very painful... Just another edition to the dreadfulness of this place, and the pain.... The amplified pain...

That's when I saw them...

I'm sorry this is so short I thought it would be the perfect cliffhanger. So again, sorry it's so short. Hope you enjoyed!!

~Silver, Out!

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