ch.8 Liar?

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Kyran's POV

I'm starting to piece something together... Everything from the past, from so many years ago that I just so happen to remember. The year 5 children went missing the year my twin sister died... The year it all went down.

And it just so happens to all start with Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria.

The similarities from the children I can't remember the names of, and Gold and Funneh, the way these new kids bring in a whole new perspective, the way they open up so many doors and how they answer so many questions.

"So, you're a Big Fat Liar!?"

Alec you need to shut up...

"No. She isn't. She just didn't tell us something because she didn't have too, she isn't a liar. She has secrets yes, but Alec, we all have Secrets." Before I knew it, the words had slipped from my mouth, not to mention in a low snarl... This isn't good, I'm gonna get beat up...

I closed my eyes tightly preparing for the blow to come, Alec... Let's just say he needs anger management!

But the hit never came, not a punch to the face, not a hard smack of disapproval, not a kick where the sun don't shine. Nothing...

I opened one eye. Funneh was standing in front of me, but her aura was... Different... Strange... Scary, almost...

"Alec, he has a very good point, listen to him, listen to us..." Funneh pleaded in a begging tone, but it wasn't her, this wasn't the Funneh I knew, and I have a feeling the Funneh I knew, is just a fake... Her aura, it's never been like this before, never...

Funneh was thrown backwards, getting punched in the face. Bloom started trailing from her nose, and mouth.

I saw anger flare in everyone, not Evan, who am I kidding, he's probably on Alec's side. The black haired guy, Draco? I sensed the most anger in him. Strangely enough, Funneh was still calm, but her aura had gotten very mad, which only meant if she was pushed any further, she would snap...

"Alec... That's going to far..." I barely stuttered, but his anger was nothing compared to the rising anger I sensed in Funneh as he took a step towards me. Her anger broke when he pulled out a pocket knife, putting it at my neck.

She was gone from her placement a few feet away.

And she stood in front of me.

A pocket knife in hand.

Her hand was bleeding rather gruesomely.

The knife in a hard grip, a hard grip on the blade itself.

"Alec, I know full well what I'm capable of, and what I'm capable of doing to you. So I suggest, if you have a will to live that you back off."

You would think Funneh is unable to hurt someone, that she wouldn't even think of killing someone. But here we are, Funneh standing with a knife in alignment to Alec's chest, in a strange manner it was... Almost as if she knew exactly how to put him through the most pain.

He staggered backwards in fear, maybe confusion, whatever it was. He was scared of her.

Alec regained balance, staring at Funneh's bloody hand and the knife in her grip.

"Take it." She spoke firmly tossing him the knife. "If we're gonna fight might as well make it fair!" She chuckled, I've always known Funneh was confident, but this was a bit over the top. Speaking from my own words, over confidence can kill you. Yet I believe Funneh, she knows what she's capable of, that's the scariest part...

"Oh dear! I'm so scared!!" Alec laughed in a joking manner, maybe trying to mimick Funneh? "I'll fucking kill you!"

I saw the smirk flash on Funneh's face. I saw her eyes turn black with white pupils instead of normal human eyes. I saw it happen, and I knew Alec was dead...

"Try..." Her voice was low, deep, almost like... An animatronic...... The snarl provided by The Boy that I believe is named Draco, was more fox like than anything, more animal like. Everything about everyone here had changed, and I don't exactly think that's a good thing, or a bad thing...

The knife flew at her, a downward motion, aimed at her stomach. My dad taught me how to throw knives when I was younger, that throw was terrible.

She sidestepped it, and the knife flew into the brick wall of the school. Surprisingly, denting the metal of it...

"Alec, this friendship, is over. Kyran, Krew." Funneh turned to me and her siblings,

"let's go..."

I really hope you enjoyed, sorry for the delay!!

- Silver Reaper, out!

Word count: 784

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