ch.19 Bruise

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Draco's POV
(hA. Bet you weren't expecting that!)

"Ugh... 5 more minutes..."

I groaned in frustration. I'd been trying to wake Rainbow up for forever. First we had to carry her here, for gods sake... Of course Funneh could've teleported us back, but that really would've drained her energy. And I don't want her to hurt herself, if she uses to much energy she could risk her soul burning out, which would cause her much more pain in this existence, seeing as we're unable to die...

"Get. Up. Rainbow!" I yelled in her ear, I didn't want us being late to school.

She jolted up upon me screaming in her ear, and smacked me in the forehead with her forehead, causing me to fall backwards in pain...

"Ouch!" I yelled at her.

"Okay, that wasn't my fault, Jerk..." Rainbow snapped back quickly rubbing her forehead silently grimacing. I silently rubbed my forehead as well, no doubt, that was gonna leave a bruise.

I got up, quickly, then spoke even quicker,

"we have to get ready for school..." I love Rainbow, I do, I love all of my sisters. But I do hold a grudge against Rainbow, Lunar and Gold, they all blamed Funneh for-... They all blamed Funneh when Funneh was in the most pain to begin with... They caused half of her problem about always blaming herself for every little wrong thing.

In the end, I agree with Funneh. We're never getting Freedom, anyway. I still don't know how Funneh has the courage to forgive the others, I know she has her grudges against them too but... It's just the weight of worlds has been on her shoulders since we were kids, she's had to hide pain since she was five! And people have only added to that burden, that weight she has to carry...

I ran to Funneh's room after, I'd chosen staying with her of course. I'd just recently turned 15 soon Funneh would be 17, it surprises me how far we've all come... It really does. So many years of dreadful torment, yet here we all are.

"Stop crying you big baby- Oh hey Draco!" I just kinda stood there in Funneh's room where Gold was crying and hugging Funneh tightly.

"Draco!? Ah!" Me and Funneh laughed as Gold jumped away and just kinda did 3 360 turns.

"What happened?" I asked softly once I regained my composure and was no longer laughing.

"Oh.. I was apologizing for being such a stuck up bitch recently, I guess the new Animatronics helped me realize that.." Golf said looking at me apologetically, I smiled in a bit of happiness, I could see how happy Funneh was.

"That's one thing they're good at!" Funneh joked, yet I got defensive, and I don't entirely know why...

"Funneh, Yes Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Chica are straight up shit. Mangle's one a really nice animatronic, and good at killing the guard when the other toys let her!" I hadn't meant to get defensive, and again, I don't know why. I knew Mangle was just an AI, yet it seemed like she wasn't, like she's everything but an AI... She was always apologizing for the others actions, being sweet, being hopeful, having that lit bit of craziness. She seemed to be just like us... Yet I knew she wasn't.

But what if she is..

"Sorry Draco, didn't mean to insult your crush~!" Funneh yelled jokingly and slyly as she watched my face turn bright red.

Jesus Christ Why do I have a crush on a damn robot..?

"I win~!" Before I knew it Funneh was dragging me out the door my other sisters close behind, and a smirk on her face.

I wanted to get this out earlier as a thanks to 150+ votes! So I'm sorry that it's not that good... Do you think Mangle is just an AI/Robot or could she be another one of the many children that died?
~Silver, Out!

Word count: 668

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