ch.10 Reminder and a liar...

421 22 19

Kyran's POV

I knew exactly what I was doing. When I was a bit younger I worked someplace similar to this. The place right under my house, Circus Baby Pizza and Rentals... Although, I escaped getting scooped, just barely...

I remember every smell, ever noise. Every dreadful night and ever dreadful day. No matter how hard I tried to forget who my father was... It was always there, that small reminder my own father was the one who started it all.

The Golden Freddy Hallucination drew me back into reality, I checked Pirates Cove. Foxy was gone and a sign that read, ITS ME. Was in place.

I quickly switched to the east hall cam, Foxy was running. I stood as fast as I could my hand making fast contact with the button. The door closed.

Bang! Bang. Bang...

The three familiar bangs signified Foxy was gone. I retracted my hand from the button, then pressed it again.

I went back to the cameras, Bonnie was in the Supply Closet. Chica was still in the Kitchen. Freddy hadn't moved. And foxy was back to hiding in his cove. I didn't know exactly where Goldie here was, but I knew to have my guard up. Golden Freddy has always been the most merciless. If he caught me I was dead, for sure.

... {4am}

I was silent, a confused silence too. Every animatronic was back in there respective places. Does... Does that mean Goldie is coming for me!?

I closed both doors at the though of that. Which was probably a bad idea, I only had 38% now it would be draining fast.

Before I knew it, all the lights shut off, the doors flew open. I was dead. Period.

But strangely enough, Freddy's music didn't start, no one could be heard walking through the halls. I was almost tempted to get up and go out of the office, to see what was going on. But my anxiety held me back.

I sat in the swivel chair, petrified. For two hours, until the 6am bell rang.

I was out of power at 4am, why the hell did they spare me? Why am I so worried tomorrow night is gonna leave me fucked? Probably because it is, I'm screwed for tonight. I bet ya Goldie will get me...

Funneh's POV

I stood in Pirates Cove, still simply trying to understand it. The 6am bell rang. I stayed standing in place, why the hell was Kyran here... Doesn't he understand the dangers that come with this place!?

Doesn't he see this place is nothing but a short trip to the devils kingdom, hell...

I transformed back to normal, Kyran would have to survive 3 more nights. We might care about him, and he is our friend but we can't fight off the urge inside, he was still risking dying by us and I wouldn't be able to bare that guilt...

I burst into tears falling to the ground. Gold was sobbing hysterically too. She would die if she ended up killing her own crush, and! He was the only one that stayed with us through that small piece of the truth! I Care about him. Gold loves him. And what happens if we actually kill him? It's not like we have a choice! We need revenge for what happened... We don't just want it, we need it! But is it really worth the life of our best friend...?

"Guys don't worry! We'll all try our hardest to fight the urge, we can't let him for by our hands..." Rainbow was being helpful, actually. I'm not just being sarcastic she actually was helping. Gold's sobbing somewhat calmed down. My tears fried as Draco held me in a hug. I wasn't going to kill my friend. We wouldn't kill our friend... I'll make sure of it!!

"And hey guys, look on the bright side... He's one step closer to finding the truth..."

Lunar's soft voice echoed through the halls, as if she was choosing her words extremely carefully. Gold nodded in agreement.

"Yeah... I guess you're right..." Gold's voice was shaky and she was panting from crying so hard. I shook my head is disbelief.

"But we don't want people to know the truth. It's not like we'll actually be set free..." I said it loud enough to be heard, but quiet enough so they knew I was sad. And I was, of course I wanted freedom. But fate has never worked in my favor before, why should it now? Why should it go against everything it taught me...?

"Funneh, I know--"

I quickly cut her off.

"No Rainbow, you don't. You don't understand what any of this is like for me. I was already abused before It happened, I'm the disappointed of the family, remember? Fate has never worked in our favor before. It won't now. You need to stop getting you hopes up because. It's. Never. Gonna. Happen." I knew I was being rude, I knew I was probably overreacting. I knew it. But she didn't understand, she was the star in the family, always doing everything right. She never cared about me. When it first happened Gold and Lunar blamed me, Rainbow kept her distance. Draco was the only fucking one who would talk to me!!! So, yes, I'm right in this argument. Fate isn't in my favor, I'm not gonna ask anything from it because the times I did it did nothing except watch as my life fell into hell.

"I'm not driving you home. Walk."

I was taken aback by Gold's statement she grabbed Lunar and Rainbows hands and started walking towards the door. I gulped down another sob. I knew I was a terrible person, I knew I was toxic... But Gold, I'm still the same girl that had to watch her family die on her own birthday. I'm still the girl that the world threw away... I'm still a little girl who is longing for fate to work in her favor but knows it won't. I want to bit I can't trust it, it's too good to be true, that's what fate has taught me in the past...


Lunar seemingly cared, I cared for her, I really did....

"Gold, that's a bit harsh..."

Rainbow was quiet looking back at me with empty sorrow. I shook my head. Draco looked shocked.

"Fine then."

I teleported back home. The anger was true, the anger was restless. But I could barely breathe, I was crying so damn hard.

I ran to my bed and jumped, sobbing into the pillows and blanket. My breathing was shaky... Even if I was this I'm still her younger sister... And I don't know if you knew, but I still have a heart!

I sat up and gulped down more dibs and blinked back more tears.

I wiped at my eyes.

"Stop crying you wimp. She had every right to do that."

I mumbled to myself feeling my own tears dry.

I got up and started getting dressed for Hell. Or lesser known in my family, School.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the longer chapter!

- Silver Reaper

Word count: 1195

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