Chapter 5

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Denki’s POV

    “I like you, Denki. I know we are opposites, but I have romantic feelings toward you. Do you reciprocate?” Iida said, walking to me from across the room. I looked up at him, his deep blue eyes filling my vision. He blushed gently, waiting for a response, but I knew a better way to get my message across. I leaned in closer until I could feel his breath against my lips. I leaned in and..

    I woke up. I internally cursed, knowing that it couldn’t have been true but still wishing it had been. The room around me was unfamiliar, and I looked around. This definitely wasn’t my dorm, but whose was it? It then came back to me. I must have passed out overnight after the incident yesterday with my quirk, so this must be his room. His bed was comfortable, I’m glad he let me stay the night. He was that kind of guy, polite and always wanting the best for his classmates. I always appreciated that about him, among the other things. 

    Speaking of Iida, where is he? I sat up and looked around, not seeing the blue haired boy anywhere. Before I can question further, I hear a gentle snore from the ground next to the bed. I look over the edge and there he is. He looks so peaceful when he’s asleep, like he’s no longer worried about keeping up his model student appearances. It’s… nice. His snore is kinda cute, honestly. Not in a gay way though, he just has a cute snore is all. After a minute of admiring his sleeping figure, I heard a crinkling noise as I shifted my weight. When I turned to look at what had made the noise, I found a small package of what looked to be fruit snacks. I attempted to open it, but I struggled with the packaging. Stupid tear tabs, they never work. I continued to struggle with it, until I was interrupted.

    “You need some help with that?” Iida said, having sat up now. He looked over at me tiredly, like he hadn’t slept much the night prior. Which, he probably didn’t, having been sleeping on the hard floor of his room instead of his bed. I nodded and handed him the package sheepishly. He quickly tore it open and handed it back to me with a small smile. As I ate from it, I looked back to him.

    “I’m sorry for passing out yesterday. I.. had something on my mind and wasn’t focused, so I overdid it.” I said, averting my gaze to avoid blushing at all.

    “Would you like to discuss it? As the class representative, I feel it is my job to make sure that you have someone to talk to. Please do tell me what has been on your mind.” He said, placing a hand awkwardly on my shoulder. 

    “I just have feelings for this person and I didn’t realize it until then.” I replied, not realizing what I had said before I had actually said it, quickly regretting it. 

    “O-oh! I am not an expert on.. Feelings but I do understand. Who is this person? Maybe I can provide assistance to you.” He said, patting me on the back in a tense and stiff manner.

    “Well.. um..” I said, scrambling for an answer “They’re from 1-B.. You wouldn’t know them.”

    “Oh okay. Well do let me know if you need some assistance!” He said, smiling cheerily. At least he believed it, or else I would have been in trouble. I could never tell him how I actually felt, there was no way he would feel the same. He’s not only straight, I’m pretty sure he has a thing for Ochako. So there would be no point in telling him, other than to destroy any semblance of a friendship I had formed with him.

    With that awkward conversation, I quickly made an excuse and left. I made my way down the hall to my dorm, shutting the door behind me. I slid down the door and put my head in my hands. So I was gay, and not only that, I had a crush on the straight model student who would never like me back. This was, by far, one of my most dumb mistakes. I gotta tell someone about this. But who could I trust with this?


Tenya’s POV

    Why did that hurt a bit to hear? He said he liked someone from class 1-B and I felt an odd pain in my chest. Not like a stabbing or any sort of physical pain but, almost an.. Emotional pain. That’s quite odd, considering I had no reason to feel that way. Hm. This will require some thought later. But for now, I ought to consult Midoriya for some advice on the matter.

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