Chapter 20

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Tenya's POV

There stood my parents, both in their upperclass clothes. My mother, in a sleek white dinner dress, and my father in a fitted dark blue suit. They always seemed to dress up, no matter the occasion. I saw as my mother's gaze shifted from me, to Tensei, and then to Tomoko, who was hiding behind Tensei slightly.

"Hello boys! It's been a while since we've seen you both. And who is this lovely lady?" She said, holding a hand out to shake Tomoko's hand, she nervously took it and shook it a bit too long.

"Hello! I'm Tomoko Shiretoko. Nice to meet you, Mrs. and Mr. Iida." She said, trying not to seem nervous but it was severely obvious that she wasn't super comfortable with the parents yet.

"Pleasure. Now, why are you with our boys today? Were you a chauffeur? Or just an assistant with UA?" My father said plainly. He never was one for socializing, but he was a fun guy once you got to know him a bit more. Tomoko was about to respond when Tensei reached back and put a hand on her arm.

"This is my significant other. I wanted to introduce her to you all and I hoped we could maybe enjoy a meal together. Does that work for you guys?" Tensei said, in a relaxed manner. My parents looked between each other, and nodded.

"Of course, we would love to get to know your new lady friend. Come on in, we've prepared some food for you all." Mrs. Iida said, and she gestured inside. As we all walked in, I noticed that Tomoko gasped a bit. We weren't a very rich family, but we were definitely better off than most, and I think she may have realized that in the moment. Tensei laughs a bit, and we walk over to the dining room. We all sit, and see that they have made some sandwiches, which sat on the table in the middle. I picked one up, and started eating. As always, the food was great. While I was eating, I noticed Tomoko hadn't started yet.

"Tomoko, you can eat if you'd like." I say, trying to smile encouragingly.

"Okay.. Sorry I just don't want to eat your food if you don't have enough."

We all turned to her, a bit shocked at the mention. Due to our hero lineage, we never really worried about food or anything, so to hear that was a new experience to us.

"No, Tomo, you are totally fine. I promise that we have enough." Tensei said, patting her back. She smiled at him and grabbed a sandwich as well and began eating. Then, Mr. Iida began the normal interrogation that most fathers have with the significant others of their children.

"So, where do you work?"

"I work as the assistant to the Wild, Wild Pussycats."

"Is that a stable job?"

"Yes, I plan to continue to work with them until I am unable to."

"How about your family?"

"My mother lives over in Tokyo, and works as at an animal shelter"

"Do you have anything in your past?"

"Except for a couple speeding tickets, I am squeaky clean!"

"Why do you think we should let you date our son?"

"Because I promise to make sure that, no matter what, I will support and love him to the best of my abilities. That and I really really love your son."

She was doing really well with the questions, surprisingly! She answered all of them, as Mr. Iida seemed to try to fully interrogate her. After a while, he stopped and sat in silence.

"Well.. I guess you may be right for him. Last question, what is your quirk?" Mr. Iida said nonchalantly. Tomoko froze, and Tensei put a hand on her back.

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