Chapter 18

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Consistent upload schedule? Never heard of her lol.

Denki’s POV

    I woke up to the harsh lights of the bus. I squinted because of the pain of how bright they were, and I tried to sit up until something restricted me. I looked down to see my midsection had been wrapped up with tape. Of course Sero would do this to me when I was sitting next to the guy of my dreams. Speaking of, was he..? My thoughts were interrupted when I noticed that I was not the only one tied with tape. Iida shifted next to me, and woke up. He looked st me, looked at the tape, and tried to struggle. 

    “Why can’t I.. Was this Sero’s doing?” Iida said, sighing exasperatedly. 

    “Yeah.. he must’ve wanted to play a prank on us.” I said, shrugging slightly. It seemed like everyone had left the bus at this point, apart from us. We both thought of ways to escape the tape, but I finally remembered what I had in my back pocket. I went to reach for it, brushing against Iida’s side. As I slid my pocket knife out of my pocket, I noticed that he was slightly pinker than he was before I had touched him. Does he maybe like me too? Nah, that’s a selfish thought of mine, he was probably just embarrassed at having been stuck together with the class idiot. I opened my knife and began to saw away at the tape. 

    “Why do you have a knife on school property? That’s against the rules.”

    “Just in case, y’know? And anyways, be grateful I had it. Otherwise, we may have been stuck here until someone came to find us.” I said, laughing a bit at how strict he was about rules.

He went to protest, but decided against it and let me continue to work away at the tape. A couple minutes past, and I had cut through about half of it when he spoke again.

    “So, Kami, how’s it going with you and that person from 1-B?” He said, though he seemed a bit dejected. I was about to answer with a lie, but then I realized that if I ever wanted to establish a relationship with him, I needed to be honest.

    “I’ll be honest with you. I lied about them being in 1-B. They’re.. Actually in our class” I said, trying my best to turn away from him. We sat in silence for a moment, and (with his free hand), turned my face towards him. I could feel as I blushed immensely, but he didn’t seem to care as he caressed my face slightly.

    “Thank you for being honest with me, although I wouldn’t have judged. Don’t feel like you have to lie to me. I like you for who you are.” He said, smiling gently. I blushed an even brighter red at his genuine kindness. This man was going to be the death of me. I leaned in a bit instinctively, and he seemed to do the same. We were so close, I could feel his warm breath on my skin. Was he about to kiss me? I internally panicked and tried to keep all of my excitement inside. Just then, we heard a sneeze. The two of us pulled away, quickly enough to tear the remaining tape. I looked around and saw a pink tuft of hair hiding in one of the rows.

    “Mina, you can come out now.” I said, cursing internally at the ruined moment. She slowly got up and motioned for someone else. Sero popped up from the seat next to her. I was about to say something, when Tenya spoke up.

    “You two need to be back in the dorms. If you mention this to anyone, I’ll report this incident to Aizawa. Now please, let's all get off this bus and get some rest.” He said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He sounded so.. tired. We all got up and we walked back to the dorms in silence. Mina and Sero seemed fine, but Tenya seemed super tense. Did I do something wrong? I felt a pit of guilt form in my stomach as we walked. We eventually all split off, and Tenya said nothing more than “Goodnight” before walking away. My heart hurt, but I chose to ignore it. I turned to Mina and Sero and glared at them.

    “He’s upset at me now. Great job guys, now I’ll never get him to like me.” I said solemnly. Sero patted my shoulder.

    “I’m sorry bro, I was hoping that it might bring you together more, but I kinda messed that up.” He said, patting my back awkwardly. Mina, on the other hand, seemed to not even feel the need to apologize.

    “Hey, look on the bright side! You two nearly kissed. That’s something.” She said, trying to make the best out of the situation. I simply glared at her.

    “And that’s probably the last of any ‘romantic’ relationship that I would have with him.” I said, walking away. I started to run, until I eventually reached my room. I entered in and slammed the door behind me. I knew that the neighboring dorms would be upset, but I didn’t care. I started crying and laid down on my bed. I turned on a sad playlist and just listened, hoping that it would help me sleep.


Hold on

Hold on to me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady

    I sat and listened to the lyrics. I felt like I understood them better than I had before. I just wanted someone, specifically him, to hold onto me and help me through this. I always felt so alone, having no purpose other than the class clown and the comedic relief. He made me feel different. Like I had more value than that. And I had driven him away. I felt more tears fall down my face as I realized what I had done. The song ended, and the next one began. I listened in silence as it played through.

I'm Mr. Loverman

And I miss my lover, man

I'm Mr. Loverman

Oh and I miss my lover

I did miss him. I knew he wasn’t that far away physically, but I felt like I had created a rift between us, that kept me from ever getting to him. It hurt so much, to know he would always be out of my reach. I eventually fell asleep, and all my thoughts were silenced once more.

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