Chapter 21

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Denki’s POV

    Tenya looked stressed, I wonder if he was still upset about last night. I opened the door for him, and he walked in and sat down on my bed. The silence was killing me, I just wanted to apologize for making him uncomfortable, but I couldn’t find the words. I closed the door quietly behind me, and sat on the bed about a foot away from him. I didn’t want to invade his personal space any more than I already had. I looked at him, trying to discern what he was thinking. 

    “So.. before you say anything, I wanted to apologize. I understand that last night was uncomfortable for you, and I am really sorry about that happening. I talked to Mina and Sero about it and they said they meant no harm to either of us. They were just trying to mess with me and you got wrapped up in it.” I said, trying to sound as sincere as possible, as my normal class-clown reputation makes it hard to take anything I say seriously. He looks up at me, almost with a confused expression.

    “Oh, I should be the one apologizing. I didn’t mean to seem angry or upset, I was just worried I wasn’t going to get enough sleep before I had to meet Tensei this morning. It had nothing to do with you. Don’t feel bad about it.” Tenya said, giving me a small smile. I sighed a breath of relief. Kirishima was right, he wasn’t upset. 

    “Oh thank god. I was so worried that you were angry. Legit I had such a hard time sleeping last night cause I kept worrying about it and my guilt was very present.” I said, laughing a bit as I thought about how emotional I had gotten. He really had put me under some sort of spell, making me so much more vulnerable to everything. I didn’t mind it, but it was something that I had noticed.

    “So what was on your mind then, Tenya?” I asked, moving closer to him. His smile faded and he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He had never been this frustrated before, I wonder what happened?

    “So, I went with Tensei to our family’s house because we both had something to tell them and wanted to have some support. He introduced his girlfriend, Tomoko, and even though she’s quirkless now, my mom and dad came around eventually and they seem to really like her.” He said, looking forward. 

    “Okay. What did you have to tell them?”

He hesitated, as if thinking things through, and then continued. 

    “You know how I told you I wasn’t good with feelings? Things like love or attraction?”

I nodded, wondering where he was going with this. 

    “Well, I developed feelings for one of our classmates.”

    “Did you need to tell your parents before you asked her out?” I asked, slightly sad. I knew he was probably in love with one of the girls in our class, but hearing it out loud hurt a lot more than I thought it would.

    “Well that’s the thing.. They’re not a ‘she’.”

I tried to process what he had just said. So if it’s not a she, what is it then?

    “So is it like Tsuyu? I mean I guess she is technically a frog so-”

    “No, it’s.. It’s one of our male classmates.”

We both sat in silence as I thought to myself. So he was gay? Does that mean.. No, he probably likes Midoriya or Bakugou. But still, I had a shot. I realized I had been quiet for a bit too long, and he seemed to take that as me not being supportive.

    “Sorry, just.. Well, I’m gay too, Tenya. I just didn’t want to tell you because I thought you would hate me.” I said, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. His face seemed to light up when he heard me say that.

    “Wait, really? That’s really cool!” He said, beaming at me. I was so glad to see him smile like that. He seemed to finally be more comfortable around me. 

    “So I’m going to guess your parents didn’t take that very well.” I said, knowing how my coming out went with my family. He nodded and sighed, and I couldn’t help but reach over to hug him. It was uncomfortable at first (because we were sitting side by side), but he turned and we hugged properly. He was so warm, and so cozy. I could stay like this forever, and neither of us seemed to pull away. We just stayed there, enjoying each other’s company and physical affection. It seemed like hours before we pulled away. I looked up at him, still relatively close to him. He had such nice eyes, I felt like I could get lost in them. 

    “So.. who is this guy you have feelings for, Tenya?” 

He looked back at me, and turned a light rosy pink. He paused but then spoke.

    “It’s… You, Kami. I know you probably don’t like me like that but-”

I cut him off by kissing him. His lips were so soft, and I felt so happy. Eventually he kissed back, and we sat and just enjoyed the moment. After what seemed like years, we pulled apart and he looked at me. He was about to speak, but I interrupted him.

    “Yes, I do like you. A lot. I have since the first time I saw you.” I said, giving him a doofy smile, and he laughed a bit. I loved hearing him laugh.

    “So.. would you like to be my significant other?” He said, in his overly formal way. He always did that when he got nervous, but I thought it was adorable. 

    “Yes, I’ll be your boyfriend.”

(Just as an FYI, this isn't the last chapter, I have more to add on to this)

-Author Chan

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