Chapter 8

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~This is a Texting Chapter! I’m trying out a new format.~

From Uraraka’s Phone

🌸balle-mina🌸: GUYS

🎤herojiro🎤: what now?

🌸balle-mina🌸: I HAVE TEA

💅invisilady💅: OOOOOH spill!

🌸balle-mina🌸: I know who Kami likes!

💗antigravitygirl💗: Wait, should you be telling us?

🎤herojiro🎤: yeah thats kind of private information..

🌸balle-mina🌸: But guysssssss we can help him. And I told him I had a plan so I need you guys to help me out here!!!

🎹creationsensation🎹: While I do not condone the active sharing of other’s personal things.. He might benefit from our help, so as long as it is for his sake, I’m in.

🎤herojiro🎤: If she’s in, I’m in. Just don’t blame me if things go wrong.

💅invisilady💅: ok but now you gotta tell us!! 

🌸balle-mina🌸: You gotta guess first.

🐸frogger🐸: Is it Jiro?

🎤herojiro🎤: Better not be. I still have standards.

🌸balle-mina🌸: Nope! It’s not a girl.

🎤herojiro🎤: I wondered if he swung that way. The more you know.

💅invisilady💅: How about.. OOH is it Sero???

🌸balle-mina🌸: Absolutely not. Not in a hundred years!!!

💗antigravitygirl💗: Is it Bakugou?

🌸balle-mina🌸: Nope! Last guess, who’s it gonna be?

🎹creationsensation🎹: Kirishima?

🌸balle-mina🌸: Nope! In the end, the correct answer is none other than the engine boy himself, Iida!

🐸frogger🐸: Wait a minute. Does that mean..?

💗antigravitygirl💗: Oh my gosh it does.

🌸balle-mina🌸: What???? What does it mean?

💗antigravitygirl💗: We have some planning to do girls.

💅invisilady💅: Operation Kami-Iida is a go!

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