Chapter 25

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Denki’s POV

    It was the day of the project. We were all at the area we fought at for the Sports Festival, and we were all sitting in the stands. Almost all groups had gone, with more or less success. Groups like Bakugou and Midoriya ended up fighting each other instead of the opposing team, while groups like Momo and Jirou ended up coming up with with effective attacks that used both quirks to their advantage. We were next to each other, trying our best to seem as straight as possible, even though we were holding hands sneakily. Since only the girls knew, we hoped to still keep it a secret from everyone else as a way of hopefully protecting Tenya. 

    “Iida and Denki! You’re up against Ashido and Sero!” Aizawa called, and then flumped back onto the table, sitting next to Present Mic and Ms. Joke. I looked worriedly over to Tenya and he squeezed my hand reassuringly. I blushed a bit, but pulled away in order to stand up. The two of us made our way out and onto the field. We stood to face the other group, Mina and Sero looking back at us. This should be an interesting match up, considering the variety of our quirks.

    “Ready? Begin.” Aizawa says, glaring up at us, and with that, the battle commenced. Iida began running as a distraction, making his way around the two and going in a circle. I run to approach them as they look around frantically, trying to watch Tenya’s movements. I smirk at how unprepared they seem, and make my way to them. Right as I am about to get close enough to shock them, Sero aims his elbow towards the ground. Mina puts her hands together in front of the dispenser, and the tape shoots out, now covered in the acid. The tape is timed perfectly, wrapping Tenya’s calf in the tape as he falls in pain. The searing acid can be heard as it burns through the engines. 

    I quickly dash to him, and unwrap the calf. I hold out my hand and he takes it, standing up, now only able to stand on one foot. In this time, the two have surrounded the ground around us in the acidic tape. Trapped, we looked at them as they laughed at us. 

    “Look at you two! Now Sonic can’t run and you can’t reach us without hurting him. What are you gonna do, Pikachu?” Sero called, taunting us and standing just out of reach, alongside Mina. That was the nickname he has always used to tease me with, and now it made my blood boil. No matter how good of friends we were, he always seemed to get on my nerves with that nickname. I look to Tenya and he looks back at me as if to tell me his plan. I nod and I look back to Sero.

    “Well, office supplies, why don’t you come a bit closer than? You seem so very confident in your ability to fully trap us.” I said, looking him up and down and smirking a bit. I saw his eyebrows furrow and watched as my plan began to work. 

    “Here, since you still can reach and touch me, I’ll cover my arms in this acid tape so you won’t be able to electrocute me. And then I’ll come talk to Sonic for you, just to show you how confident I am in this trick of mine.” He replied, wrapping himself in his own tape and letting Mina cover it in her acid. Once fully covered, he walked to the edge of the circle and looked at Tenya mockingly. Before he could utter another taunt, we used our attack. 

    Tenya swings his working leg and I reach out, making contact with his calf just before he hits Sero’s jaw. I use a medium shock, even though I knew that would hurt a bit, and watch as his engines blow smoke and fire harder and faster. His foot makes contact with Sero’s face, and he falls to the ground, completely knocked out. Mina gasps and runs over to him, kneeling next to him to check if he was okay. In her moment of vulnerability, I reached out to touch her back, sending enough shock to knock her out as well, and she fell next to him on the ground. 

    A bell rings to signify the end, and after a few seconds of shock, I turn to Tenya and beam at him excitedly.

    “We did it!!” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him. He stumbles a bit, but regains his balance and hugs back. Without thinking, I give him a quick peck on the lips. We both pull back, suddenly realizing what just happened. We look at the class in the bleachers, to see all of the guys from our class stare back in shock. After a few minutes of shocked silence, I hear a loud laugh.

    “I WON! YOU TWO OWE ME MONEY!” Present Mic yelled, holding out his hands. Ms. Joke and Aizawa reluctantly put money in his hand and sighed defeatedly.

    “You only knew cause I told you about the field trip incident.” Aizawa said, glaring in a joking way at Present Mic, who was beaming cockily. 

    “Yeah, yeah, I still won. They are like a young us!”

    “Yeah.. yeah they are.”

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