Chapter 24

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Denki’s POV

    It was two days before the project was due, and Tenya was stressed as always. He really cared about his education. As the less than intelligent partner, he had to do a lot of the logistics while I just came up with the crazy ideas. He had always been kind when shutting down my ideas, which I really appreciated (considering most were pretty blunt about it). And my job in the group was to make sure that he was taking care of himself, while giving input and ideas to see what worked. To be honest, I thought we were a pretty good team.

    “Okay.. so how can we combine your electricity without hurting me or my engines?” He said, lying on the floor. The two of us were in his dorm, both laying next to each other while looking over a book of notes that Tenya had (gladly) taken during class the days before hand. He seemed deep in thought, thinking about the various things we needed to figure out soon. Since I was laying right next to him, I thought I would try to distract him so maybe he would take a little bit of a break. As he stared intently at the book, I slowly snaked my hand down to his side and jabbed him. He jolted and pulled away.

    “Kami, what are you doing? That tickles.”

    “Oh does it?” I said, smirking a bit and doing it again to see him giggle a bit and shift away.

    “Kami, I swear we have to get work do-” Tenya was interrupted by me continuing to tickle him, the two of us laughing. Of all people, I didn’t think Tenya would be super ticklish. I had rolled over on top of him and laughed as I continued. He started to cry from laughing so much and I stopped, knowing he probably wanted to get back to work. I was about to move and get off of him, but he grabbed my sides and held me there. I blushed furiously and looked at him. He gave me a smirk and began tickling me in revenge. Most didn’t know that I was very ticklish, but now he definitely knew.

    “Ten-Tenya oh my gosh ah!” I laughed as he continued to poke my sides. He laughed and continued, eventually switching places and being on top of me. I let him do it, as he seemed to have finally taken a bit of a break. His smile made me so happy, and his laugh was like music. I laughed until my sides hurt, and eventually he stopped, but still stayed in the same position. 

    “Tenya? You.. you’re still on top of me.”

    “I know. I just think you look really handsome like this and I’m enjoying it.”

    I blushed furiously and put my hands on my face, letting out a little squeak, and he laughed quietly at me once again. He kissed my hands, which were still on my face.

    “Move your hands, Kami, I want to actually kiss you.”

I slowly moved my hands down to look up at him. His eyes glittered in the light from the window, and his hair was messy, in a really cute way. He leaned down and kissed me softly, as I kissed back and enjoyed the moment. It was passionate, but in a soft, loving way. He eventually pulled away, needing a breath. He looked down at me again, out of breath.

    “Can I say something odd, Kami?”

    “Um, yeah sure, sunshine.”

    “You are really good at kissing.”

I laughed and gave him a couple kisses all over his face, as he giggled and blushed a bit. We both got up eventually and sat back up. As he moved up, I took a moment to admire him. He was really attractive, and I never really got the chance to admire him properly. He had a very chiseled jawline, and his eyes were soft but also powerful at the same time. He was decently muscular, especially his legs. Even since he got here, his practice had made his engines even more powerful. The training for running and kicking seemed to pay off…

    “WAIT.” I said, putting an arm on Tenya’s arm as he jumped a bit.

    “What’s up, is something wrong?” Tenya said, concerned about the sudden contact. I grabbed his arm and stood us up. I interlocked our fingers and nodded towards the door. We walked out and I went to lead him to the training ground. However, the normally decent lounge was filled with the one group I didn’t want to know just yet.

The girls.

    They turned back and looked at us, noticing the sound of the door. I thought about letting go of his hand, but they had already seen. This was going to be a bit of a mess. Suddenly the group got up and surrounded us, talking in a chorus of nonsense.

    “OH MY GOSH MY SHIP!! You two are soo made for each other!”

    “I told you Sero and I could do it! How long have you been dating?”

    “That was awful fast, kero kero.”

    “Can I be the bridesmaid?”

    “You know, Denki knows some guitar. Ask him to sing to you sometimes.”

    “As the class vice-president, I am so happy for you!”

Tenya looked at all of them, a bit nervous and turned to me.

    “Put your arms around my neck.”


    “Just do it.” He said, and I did as I was told. Suddenly, he put an arm behind my legs and picked me up bridal style, and ran down the hall and stairs, until we reached the training ground. He sighed, looking around, and then slowly set me down. I looked up at him, and he looked back at me with a very tired smile.

    “This is going to be interesting, isn’t it?” He says, running a hand through my hair.

    “Yeah, but it’s worth it right?”

    “Of course. You’re my Pikachu, and I’m your Sonic. I’d never leave.” He replied, fluffing my hair. I giggled and just beamed at him. That was, until I remembered why we were down here in the first place. 

    “Oh! You see the training dummy? We’re gonna go over there, and you are gonna kick it.” I said, walking in the direction of it. He seemed confused, but he followed. We made it to the training dummy and I stood aside from it.

    “Okay, try kicking it without your engines.”

He kicked it, and the dummy moved slightly, but not enough to really notice.

    “Try it with the engines now.”

He kicked it again, this time firing up his engines, and the dummy moved a foot, but stayed standing.

    “Okay now, I want you to do the same thing, but right before you hit it, I am going to grab your engine and give it a small charge. Is that okay with you?” 

He hesitated, and then went to kick the dummy. Right as he was about to make contact, I touched his calf with a finger and gave a small shock to the engine. His engine was given an extra boost due to the shock, and he ended up knocking over the dummy. I looked at him to see his response, but he just stared, a bit surprised.

    “What do you think?”

He paused. With no warning, he came up and hugged me. 

    “Oh my gosh Kami! That’s such a good idea. That’ll totally work too, as long as you can control the shock and are fast enough to use it in time. You should be proud, that’s a really smart idea!” Tenya said, looking down at me gleefully. I sunk a bit into the hug, enjoying his warmth. As we sat in this hug, I only had one thing on my mind.

I have an AMAZING boyfriend.


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