Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Iida's POV

The bus stopped with a sudden jerk and we all slid forward. I caught myself, but I heard a subtle thump in front of me. I heard a quiet exclamation of pain, which I knew was from Denki, and chuckled a bit. He always was the clumsy type, and it was really adorable. We all got up and got off in a less than orderly fashion (turns out the other class representatives didn't really care all that much) and we gathered in front of Mr. Aizawa, Present Mic, Midnight, and Principal Nezu, each with a little bit of pride on them. Besides the teachers I had seen previously, I noticed Midnight with a jacket with pink, yellow, and blue stripes on the back. Principal Nezu had a white, gray, black, and purple bandana on his forehead.

"Alright, students! Today we will be attending the Tokyo Pride Parade. I ask that you find a buddy, and stick with them throughout the day. We will be patrolling the area for any sort of bad behavior, as well as talking to the public. Speaking of, if the public approaches you, remember that you are a student of UA and you represent us as a school. Any more thoughts?" Principal Nezu said, eyeing a few particular students when discussing bad behavior.

"Celebrate a bit! You are here to experience culture. Be gay, do crime, right?" Present Mic said, finger gunning.

"Do not commit any crimes please. I don't need to do any more paperwork.." Aizawa said, shooting a tired an annoyed look at the other teacher.

"Don't be afraid to ask questions and talk to people! Learn more about the LGBTQ+ and maybe you will learn something new about yourself." Midnight said. It's like she saw through me, knowing that this was probably going to be the place I confirm if I truly am.. gay.

"Alright then! Enjoy yourselves." Nezu said, spreading his arms out as if to give permission for us to go participate. We all seemed to scatter, finding various friend groups. While I would normally go be with Midoriya and them, I wanted to talk to Denki more. I walked over to him, and when I got to him, I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hello! Would you want to look around with me as we experience Pride?" I said, trying to be as formal as possible.

"S-sure! Give me thirty seconds, I have to go deliver this to someone." He said, running over to Aoyama. He handed him a note, and then came back.

"So, let's do this! Where first?"

I thought it over as I scanned the area. I saw a display of colorful flags and decided that might be a good learning opportunity for the both of us.

"Here, follow me!" I said, holding out my hand. He looked at me, and took my hand. He seemed hesitant, but I guess he may have forgotten my quirk. With that, I took off to the display. This was going to be a fun time, I could feel it.

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