Chapter 16

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Tenya’s POV

    Mr. Aizawa had stepped in front of us and was addressing the press. Thank god for him being there when he was, because I don’t think I could have handled the situation on my own. Not with Denki there, I wasn’t ready to tell him just yet. 

    “And about the rumors you have heard, I would like to say that the sexualities of the students at UA is private to the individuals, and that you as the media have no right to intrude on the lives of literal children.” Aizawa said, glaring at each of the cameras individually.

    “But these are future pro-heroes! We deserve to know who is going to be protecting us.”

    “Yes, but they are still children. When they are pro-heroes, then you can ask them.”

    “Do you support them? Are you part of the community? Are the rumors about you and Present Mic correct? Should you be the one teaching these children? Are you making them gay?” The questions flooded in, and Mr. Aizawa looked tiredly at the press. With a yawn, he then escorted us away from the cameras and the reporters, over to a small alleyway aside from the rest of the activities. He sighed and looked between the two of us.

    “Of course you two would be the ones harassed. The class rep and the class clown. I guess I should’ve expected this, but I didn’t think they would interrogate you on the matter. My apologies for not being there sooner.” Aizawa said, sighing exasperatedly. 

    “It’s completely fine! I have learned how to handle things like that from my older brother.” I said proudly, knowing that as a member of the Ingenium family, this wouldn’t be the first time this happened. He smirked slightly at me, and began walking away when Denki stopped him.

    “You don’t have to answer this sir, but are you..?” Denki said, looking away from him. Is he really asking this? I don’t blame him, I am quite curious as well, but I figured that would be an inappropriate question to ask our teacher.

“Yes, I am gay, and yes, I am in a relationship with Present Mic. Tell anyone, and I expel both of you. Now, go and enjoy yourselves.” He said nonchalantly as he walked away. Expelled? I looked worriedly over at Denki who just looked shocked.

“I knew it!” He said excitedly. Of course he wouldn’t even acknowledge the fact that we could both be expelled. Always the optimist. 

“Well, now that we have escaped the press, would you like to go somewhere else?” I said, smiling gently at the lovable idiot. 

“Oh sure! That sounds fun.” He said, looking at me with a wide grin. Dang he makes pretending to not like him hard. The two of us started to walk out, when I felt something grasp my hand. I went to pull away, but I saw that he was holding my hand. Wait, he’s holding my hand? I feel my face flush with a bright red, but I try to ignore it as we walk into the public. Is this a friend thing, or..? I guess I’ll just go with it and find out. For now, we’re going to go enjoy a good educational afternoon.

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