Chapter 22

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Tenya’s POV

It had been a couple days since Kami and I became a thing, and we hadn’t really told anyone just yet. We were both just a bit concerned about the backlash we might get from some of the other classmates, so we had decided to keep to ourselves. We were both on the track, working on the project for the hero course. I stood on the track, while Kami sat and just looked up at me.

    “Okay, so what’s your top speed?” He asked.

    “144 km/h!” I replied proudly. I had worked really hard to get up to that speed, so to be able to tell him that made me quite happy.

    “Hm… are your engines anything like car engines?” Kami asked, and I nodded. He got up, and knelt behind me. I gave him a bit of a confused look, but he continued to do what he was doing.

    “So.. I’m going to use a small electric shock and see what happens. You okay with that?” Kami said. While I was pretty nervous as to what it would do, I nodded slowly. He placed his hands on my calves, looked to me for permission (which I nodded and gave him), and shocked me. Before I knew it, I was running. My engines had become supercharged, and while I really didn’t have control over them, I was much faster than normal and it seemed to take less energy. Once the burst finally stopped, I made my way back to Kami.

    “That worked really well! The only problem is I really don’t have control over it, so that could get us in some sticky situations. We should try to test the limits of it!” I said, a little excited at the prospect of being able to go faster. He seemed hesitant, but knelt back down.

    “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you..” He asked, concerned.

    “I’m sure. I’m tough, so don’t worry about hurting me.”

He sighed and nodded, resting his hands on my calves. Suddenly, he gave a much larger shock, and I felt it run through my legs. My engines went off and I flew forward, but it was different this time. A burning sensation went up my legs, and I was in so much pain. It took a couple minutes before I actually stopped, to which I collapsed. The last thing I ended up seeing before I blacked out was Kami’s face.

(Short Chapter! But I'm putting out two today)

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