Chapter 11

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(I haven't published in a while so I'm uploading two today. Enjoy!)

Iida’s POV

    It was the next day. I had gone through all my classes, avoiding Kaminari as to not embarrass him or myself in front of our peers. I was sitting in my dorm, with my phone on the desk in front of me. I knew that I needed to call him, but what if he didn’t love me the same after? What if none of them love me the same after I tell them? I can’t bear the thought of being treated differently for something I have no control over. The Iida family was a quite traditional family, and no one had ever really mentioned anything other than going to school and becoming a pro-hero like the rest of his family. 

    It didn’t matter though. With Friday on it’s way, he needed to at least tell the one person he trusted and loved with all his heart: Tensei Iida, his older brother. They told each other everything, and this was no exception to the matter. He reached out, picked up the phone, and dialed the number. With his finger shakily over the call button, he threw caution to the wind and pressed the button. He put the phone up to his ear and took a deep breath.



“Hey Iida! Haven’t heard from you in a while!” 

“Yeah, sorry I’ve been busy with schoolwork.”

“Understandable! You always were the type to put everything into school.


“So what’s up? Normally you don’t call unless you need something.

“Well I-I sort of need to tell you something.”

“You seem nervous, is this an important thing?”

“I believe so.”

“Okay. Take you time, I’m willing to wait.”

“So.. you know how I never really liked girls?”

“Yeah? You always seemed so focused in your studies that most girls tended to avoid you.”

“Well, something happened.”

“Did you find a girlfriend? Was it the girl with the pink cheeks, or the frog one?”

“No.. it’s.. Well..”

“Just get it out. I promise I won’t judge.”

“Tensei.. I-I like guys!”

    A silence fell between the two. It was like the line had completely been cut off, when in actuality, it was just the awkward situation. Before Iida could make up an excuse to cover it up, Tensei spoke.

“I’m glad you told me. I support you all the way!”

“Wait really? I thought you would be disappointed in me.”

“No, it’s a part of who you are, and I care about you.”

“So it’s not wrong?”

“Of course! Love is not wrong when it’s actual pure love.”

“Thank you, Tensei.”

“Have you told our parents yet?”

“ I’m really worried that they won’t accept me.”

“How about I pick you up for some “hero training”, 

we drive home and we can both tell them our news.”

“Our news? Do you need to tell them something?”

“Well, I have started dating a really sweet girl, but she is quirkless 
and I worry that they won’t approve.

“What’s her name?”

“Tomoko Shiretoko.”

“I’d love to meet her, Tensei.”

“I’d love to meet whoever made you realize you were gay.”

“...I’ll tell you if it works out.”

“What? I don’t get to know who my little brother is crushing on?”

“It’s not a.. “Crush”.. It’s just some feelings.”

“I’ve heard it both ways.”

“Goodbye, Tensei.”

“You have to tell me , but goodbye. Take care of yourself.”

    I set the phone down and breathed a sigh of relief. I had one person I knew loved me all the same, and I was so grateful that it was Tensei. Now, all I had to worry about was Friday. My first pride festival. It was an interesting concept, from what I heard, but hopefully it can help with public opinion on myself and the family name. All it would take is getting through tomorrow without saying anything that could incriminate myself.

Denki’s POV

What did he say?

I had been sitting outside his door to ask about the plans for the project (and also why he had been avoiding him all day), but he was on the phone. He chose not to knock and interrupt him, but his curiosity got the better of him and he listened in. He couldn’t hear much, but the words he could pick out were 

    “Tensei.. Tomoko.. Gay.. feelings..”

    Wait hold up. Did he say gay? Yeah, he could clearly hear that. But is he talking about him or his brother? Who is Tomoko? Maybe she’s a chick from one of the other classes. Makes sense, I didn’t think he would ever really like me that way. He doesn’t even know about.. Well he doesn’t need to know. It’s in the past. 

    Suddenly, footsteps could be heard approaching the door. I bolted out of the doorway and into my dorm. I really didn’t want him to know I had been eavesdropping, because he wouldn’t even be his friend beyond this point if he knew. I shut the door, and slid down to sit in front of the door. 

You better have a plan, Mina. Cause I sure don’t.

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