Chapter 1 The beginning of the end

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    To see life as a gift instead of a burden, will give you strenght. To watch the sunsets and the sunrises will bring you peace. To live here and now. To breath in the fresch morning air, to be who you want to be. When we see life for what it truly is, when we know what it truly stand for, then, and only then, can we be free. 

Melissa was sitting in her room, practicing writing. The sun shined it's light on her. She was inspired by the sun, by its  beauty and light. Melissa felt happy as she wrote down the words, she thought was genius to show the class at school after the weekend, as it was Friday today. Her father, Matthew, could be seen out in the fields, taking care of the cattle, and her mother, Lilly, could be seen in the kitchen, preparing some dinner for the three of them. The Summers family couldn't live a better life than they did. They watched the sun rise in the morning and the sun set in the evenings. Melissa and her father sometimes sat on the grass field a little while longer just to get a glimpse of the beautiful moonlight and the shining stars before bed time. The family was poor, but wealthy enough to live. Melissa was just finishing up her excellent words, She opened her window to feel the warm air get in, while she sat down and looked out to the open fields. The high mountains and the huge fields could be seen clear as the day. The deep forest, hinding dark secrets from the rest of the world. 

The sky was blue, and  some clouds was rolling in on the sky. It was a beautiful morning and Melissa dreamed herself away, off to some place where she was the explorer, where adventures waited just around the corner. As the note were done, she proudly went downstairs to show her mother what an excellent student she eventually would become. Her mother was humming calmly while she prepared an oatmeal, she poured three coups of water and putted them on the table while she smiled to her daughter who just got down stairs. Melissa held up the note she had written, and her mother looked proudly at her. Lilly kissed her daughters' cheeks as she puts the note on the table.

- Well done sweetheart, only fourteen years old and yet, such a good writer, maybe you will become an author someday? Her mother said while she called in her husband Matthew from the cattle field.

Melissa proudly took a seat at the table while her father got inside and took a seat as well.

- Our daughter sure has a way with words. Lilly said, while she puts down the oatmeal on the table.

Matthew took the note laying on the table and looked at it. All three of them had brown hair, Lilly had lighter brown hair with green eyes, while Matthew had dark brown hair with blue eyes. Lilly was wearing a dark blue long skirt, with a white blouse, her hair was up in a big bun. Matthew was wearing a black shirt with a brown pair of pants and with brown high boots. Melissa had wavy long light and dark brown hair. Her eyes were light green, just as her mothers were, she was wearing a dark blue dress, a dress she loved. All three of them took a bite of the dinner and their stomachs were satisfied.

- You are right darling, our daughter has a talent, are you the top student in your class Melissa? Matthew asked.

- Not yet, but I intend to become the top student. Melissa proudly said while she looked at her father.

Her mother and father smiled at each other, it was a joyful family. They were not wealthy, nor were they popular but what they did have was love. Love, light and happiness, that's all they needed in life. As they were finishing up their dinner, Melissa helped her mother to take the dishes and clean the kitchen while Matthew finished up outside, making sure the animals had what they wanted. Matthew really cared about the animals, he had a big heart and always wanted them to feel well, not only because he was grateful that the animals they had kept the family fed and happy, but because he cared about the animals. Melissa cared much about the animals as well, but mostly about the two horses they had. One of them was a white thoroughbred, a five-year-old female horse that Melissa saw as her own and she called her Belle.

Beautiful Revengeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें