Chapter 11 When it all ends

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Sam was riding on a path beside lake Grayon. Beside him was another horse with a woman tied up and dingling. Sam looked at the woman who still was passed out while he rode beside James cabin. It seemed so joyful before, now, just empty and sad. He hadn't seen James in two weeks, because Sam was afraid. Afraid of what Sheriff Hinton had told him, not only the part about Sam's job as a lawman, but of what he had said about his rage for James and that he might be killed. He liked James as a very good friend and that he couldn't see him was something that destroyed Sam inside, even more Melissa. To see Melissa sitting lonely outside the farmhouse, her eyes out on the fields while she missed having James around. Although, Sam knew that Melissa still saw him. He couldn't stop her, it didn't matter how many times he warned her, she wouldn't listen.

As Sam rode by James cabin and up the path he eventually reached town where he was supposed to drop of the criminal. The criminal was surprisingly a woman who had been tricking men to sleep with her only to kill them afterwards and rob them. She had woken up by the time Sam was in front of the Sheriff's office and begged Sam to let her go and threatened him that she would kill him.

"You think you are such a tough man don't you? Well I'll tell you what, you're no a man at all! You're no fun at all!" She yelled as Sam dragged her in.

"I'm afraid I ain't, now shut up." He said as he opened the door and dropped her into a cell further down. Sheriff Hinton was sitting by his desk as usual, greeting Sam when he got in as he was writing on something. Supposedly a letter of some kind.

"Good work Mr. Andrews. I'll see you tomorrow." He said, his eyes still on the paper.

Sam could tell that he was very busy, so he didn't bother him with questions, he just went out and headed home.

Sam felt like an asshole. After all, he had told Melissa that she couldn't be with the man she loved because he was going to keep his job and of course because James might be killed. But never had he seen Melissa being so sad, perhaps just when her parents had died but she usually was very happy. Now, she was just doing all the farm work, that she usually didn't do and didn't say much to him. Probably because Sam knew she was upset with him.

As he reached their home he noticed that James horse was outside. Of course Sam hurried up and jumped of Bob to see what brought James by. He had missed him, but he also didn't want him to be there. Everything was just a big mess, and Sam, he was afraid for what was coming.

He opened the door and spotted James and Melissa kissing each other in the kitchen. They laughed but turned around when they heard footsteps. Sam got a little upset. Melissa knew she couldn't see James, what if some of their neighbours spotted them? After all, everyone in this goddamn town believed Sheriff Hinton and is going to run as quick as they can to him if the see James hanging out by their home.

"Sam!" Melissa said surprised, as she walked over to him.

"Hey Sam...It's good to see you." James said, worried that Sam would be angry.

"Melissa, can I talk to you in private?" Sam said as he looked serious at her. She sighed and nodded. Sam led her outside the farm house to the back where she sat down by a bench, Sam standing in front of her.

"Melissa..." Sam began. "Stop... I know what you're going to say, we can't be seen with James I know, but you know what? I don't care anymore! Let them see us then." Melissa said, frustrated over the situation.

"Melissa, I don't think you realize how serious this is. He could be killed for christ sake!" Sam said as he laid his hand on his waist, looking utterly upset.

"Please. Like you ever cared about that, you're probably afraid that you'll lose your job, not lose James." She said as she stood up, leaning against the fence.

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